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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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HTML code

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I just started learning html and was wondering if any of you guys could anwser one of my questions.

I need to know how to add color to a hyperlink.

Thanks a lot.

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Put that inside the body tag. Change the hex value (the six digits in quotes) to change the color. FYI it's red right now.

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i still have my school notes on my comp :) at the top where u put <body> do this:<body text=#00008B link=#000000 alink=#00008B vlink=#FF0000> you can change the colors if u want and those three things (link,alink,vlink) are the link colors...i can't remember which is which but basically one of them is the color of an unclicked link.One of a clicked link.And one of the link after it's been clicked and activated.

Hope this helps!:).

If you have any other questions i got a whole bunch a notes.

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little advice, download a wysiwyg html editor like dreamweaver, frontpage, go live, etc. Save you a lot of time versus texpad (notepad), (what you see is what you get, by the way)

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You are much more free to do exactly what you want with the code. Unless you have a really good full version of an edit program. The free-bee's are usually pretty limited in the templates/layouts they give you.

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WYSIWIG editors are good, especially the latest version of dreamweaver. I learned html by building stuff in a WSYIWIG and then seeing what the code looked like. It was a great way to figure out how it all worked. Also, if you're going to get into it a little more heavily I can offer one tip, be neat. Neat organized code will save you a TON of hassle over the long haul.

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