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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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The Sports Exchange in Van, BC

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They sell a bunch of prostock sticks for cheap prices. I went there today and saw top end sticks for about $135 without warranty, $175 with. It's weird they have warranties on prostocks but they do.

There are almost no retail sticks other than some Synergy 200's, Mission Axis, Nike Apollo and a few wood sticks.

I bought a Mission Axis from them a while ago, no problems and friendly staff.

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When our money actually had value I used to order from there occasionally. They got me my stuff in new york city with no problems. It's depressing to me. Once, the rate was so favorable I was able to get an all real leather set of custom x80s made for me for peanuts.

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bought a prostock one90 from them 2 weeks ago..didnt really look around but it seemed well stocked.

the guy behind the counter looked like he was having a great day though. I had to say " hello" and "thank you " for him, which im assuming made it worse.. made me laugh...

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the sports exchange is as legit as it is going to get. they have a ton of pro-stock sticks...mainly vapor xxx's, xx's, tps and tps r8 lites at the moment. Skate selection is skimpy though. there's also some other good deals so it's worth it to go there and have a look.

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Anyone ever buy anything from them? How'd it go?

Legit store, stocks older styles and pro returns mostly.

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Great store i buy most of my sticks there now. They have tons of sticks, and for the guy who's 5'8 i am also 5'8 and its not usually a problem finding a stick there you might have to cut some off but you can always find a lower flex if nessesary. The one guy working tried pretty hard to convince me to take a look at the response lites they had so i decided to take a look and boy am i happy i bought one i personally like i better then the xxx lite i bought awhile back.

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As stated above, its nice source for older stock and pro returns. You have to pick through some stuff, but there still are some good finds at decent prices if you are patient.

The major problem I had was with service. It was like pulling teeth to get some help trying on skates and spending money. By the time I did get an employee to assist me (it wasn't busy), I noticed that other customers were also being largely ignored.

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last time I was there I almost bought a Zherdev XXX-Lite.

80 flex Naslund curve with a little more hook and it was just the right height too. $135, I should've.

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Definitely a legit store, and great for players on a budget. I've bought several pairs of skates from them for my kids and saved money over the "latest and greatest" models. I also found the best skates I've ever owned there, a pair of 1996 Bauer Supreme 5000s (pre-Nike) that were made for Ray Whitney when he was with the San Jose Sharks. I STILL kick myself for not hanging on to those skates!

I was just up there recently though and I will agree their current selection of skates is lacking. Plus with the US and Canadian dollars pretty much being equal right now, it's almost worth me staying in Washington State and shopping because the taxes are lower.

If you can find a good deal there though, jump on it!

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great store but 85 flex is the lowest pro returns they have =/ . they had some response lite whips last time i went but they weren't any good curves.

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i went looking for that zherdev xxx lite a couple weeks ago... i had 2 of them, was looking for one more cause i liked the flex/curve so much

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+1 for what everyone's said.

Except for their lacklustre service.

Maybe the staff were just having "off" days when I was there last summer(maybe things have now changed). Don't get me wrong they were quite quite nice, but it was a bit of a pain getting ignored because some of the employees were busy sitting around talking about their night before.

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For someone who has been here, what are some pro stock curves that are flat or similar to easton forsberg/modano?

left or right, im right and ive picked up 2 downie's (NBH) and Little(TPS) forsberg clones

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+1 for what everyone's said.

Except for their lacklustre service.

Maybe the staff were just having "off" days when I was there last summer(maybe things have now changed). Don't get me wrong they were quite quite nice, but it was a bit of a pain getting ignored because some of the employees were busy sitting around talking about their night before.

Sorry. My post was confusing. I meant that I agreed that they offer poor service. I'd avoid the slackers and ask the guy that manages the place for help. He'll take you seriously.

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The TPS Little and the Downie are exact clones of the Forsberg curve as stated above. I bought a Little TPS Response Lite. They are only available in regular flex. For those that are looking for whippy sticks there were a couple of nilsson xxx lites that were 67 and 77 flex about a month ago when I was there.

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