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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skate Change

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Been skating in my NBH One-90's for about a month or 2 before I decided to go back to my traditional Bauer 7000's. I want a lighter skate then my 7000's but don't know where to go. Before I bought the One-90's I was close to getting Graf Supra G3's. Can anyone lend a hand on the G3's or recomend where to go from here. I don't need a super light skate like the One-90 but, something lighter than the 7000's. Thanks

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Why did you stop skating in your One90s? Would you wear a pair of Bauer 8090s if you could get your hands on them?

Couldn't get used to them. I am an old timer 40ish and don't like the new tecnology I guess. Can't teach an old dog new tricks. I like the old standard leather skate. The 7000 is a killer in weight. I am trying to get lighter but stay old school as much as I can. I gave the newer technology a chance and don't like them. The profile of the blade is one reason. I have to spend a $100 + labor to go to the lightspeed 2 blades and TUUK's. So I let my son wear the the one-90's once and he loves them. So if I can find something I like I will give them to him and move on. Yes to the 8090's but, I can't find them anywhere as well as the Vapor XXX's.

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i had the supra g3's. i didn't like them because, in addition to the aggressive forward pitch of the cobra holder, they have a built in heel lift. the pitch was way too aggressive so i sold them. your 0ne90's will feel (skating wise) closer to the 7000's than g3's.

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Why did you stop skating in your One90s? Would you wear a pair of Bauer 8090s if you could get your hands on them?

Couldn't get used to them. I am an old timer 40ish and don't like the new tecnology I guess. Can't teach an old dog new tricks. I like the old standard leather skate. The 7000 is a killer in weight. I am trying to get lighter but stay old school as much as I can. I gave the newer technology a chance and don't like them. The profile of the blade is one reason. I have to spend a $100 + labor to go to the lightspeed 2 blades and TUUK's. So I let my son wear the the one-90's once and he loves them. So if I can find something I like I will give them to him and move on. Yes to the 8090's but, I can't find them anywhere as well as the Vapor XXX's.

What size skate are you??

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If you fit well in the Bauer 7000, I would NOT recommend the Bauer 8090 because they made them wider then the standard 'old' supremes...Although if you can find a pair of Bauer 8000 - it fits simliar to 7000 and I hear they are much lighter...but hard to find.

You said you tried the One90, but I hear many people even young people are having fit problems with One90 - I guess they have a narrow heal cup....

My recomendation would be to go with the NBH XXV, and it appears if you can afford the One90's you could try the NBH XXXX - I heard that these skates are a more similar ( but not excact ) fit to the old surpremes. You said you are 40ish, and prolly only play twice a week, so I would reccomnd the XXV for that reason - they would be easier to break in.

I am going to Minnesota next month and getting me a pair, ( or at least try them on ) - and then I will be playing some pick up hockey in the St. Paul Suburbs to break them in before I head back home....

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Can some others weigh in on the 7000, just bought two pairs for $140. Are they really that bad in terms of weight? I know that the 8000s are lighter, but is there a huge diff. between the two?

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Yeah cj...they are bricks. But if they fit...who cares? Weight was never an issue until the one90 came out and started boasting lightweight technology. If the skates fit, you will perform better with them than a lightweight skate that doesn't fit.

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I have the 8000 are lighter than 7000 because they used a differnt material a little more softer because of complaints of 7000 "stiffness" - Also the Bauer 6500 similar to 8000, the THG made these after the 7000 in reponsce to the "hard to break in" factor of the 7000's - albeit they are lighter, but no way are they One90's weight....

A little soapbox on "weight" of the skate: by YouTuuk.

If a skate is a brick ( i.e. heavy ) the muscles in your legs will adapt and build up and in after a few skates, they will appear lighter...

the same for "feather" of lighter skates, if you have gone from a brick to a feather - your legs muscle will start to grow smaller because they don't have to carry the "heavy" load down low. So actually your "ligher" skates will start to appear heavier....

So lets look at numbers lets says Skate Brick is 1000g - after a few skates it will appears to your stronger muscles as 750g, and vis-versa if you Light skates are 400g, they will appear to your weaker muscles as 650g, so still a bit lighter....

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in very rudimentary basic manner I am saying that, because our brains will adapt our muscles to the weight of the skate - but like I said in the end I think the lighter skate will be lighter, but not as much as advertised.

Also this is a theory, but I think its in good company....because of....

Think of weightlifting, lets say you can barley "max out" at 165 lbs on the bench press at the beginning of the summer, then in September after training all summer - that 165 lbs is "childs play"......your muscles have adapted and grown to "meet your needs".....they fantastic human body....

But in the end you have to think that having lightweight skates over the course of a whole game will be benifitial, especially for the original poster who said himself he is 40ish.....and ask Roger Clemens about turning 40...

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Can some others weigh in on the 7000, just bought two pairs for $140. Are they really that bad in terms of weight? I know that the 8000s are lighter, but is there a huge diff. between the two?

cj190, I 've had many years of success with my 7000's I had them for like 9 years. They are beat up and it's time for a change. The only reason I went for new skates is because it was time. They just happened to be the One-90's. I agree with whoever said it's in our heads about the lightness etc... At my age am I really going to tell the difference between 750mg or 1g probally not. I wish I could find a pair of the old Vapor XXX or 8000's but, new I don't like buying used with certain things such as skates. I am trying to look for that type of skate in the new lines of skates but, haven't found that yet. That is why I started this post.

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well they have some new 8000's on ebay right now, but none in your size.

Ahhhh like epstud74 said you may try the 8090's I think he actually has an extra pair too, but maybe too wide. In the new line NBH has something called the Supreme 70 - which is the same last as the Bauer 8090. Other than that you may want to wait till this spring new models are coming out. One95, One75 and so forth....Your right the Vapor 20's and 30's are hard to find, prolly because they wore out....they did not hold up too good. Your gain.

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yea CCM will start blowing out there Vectors prolly to make room to the new CCM U+ with active foot foam this spring....I don't know much about Vectors. but if your foot fit in the Bauer Supreme good, I hear that the Graf 703 and 735 are the more narrow fitting Graf, that fits similar to narrow Bauer "old" Supreme last.

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I hear that the Graf 703 and 735 are the more narrow fitting Graf, that fits similar to narrow Bauer "old" Supreme last.

That's why I am looking at rhe Supra G3. They say it's the same fit as the 703. The 735 though I don't know anything about. Someone said that the G3's fall apart. Graf has always made a good skate as far as I know but, as you can see I am not up to date with all the new fangled stuff. to many darn models to choose from. Which is a better skate the G3 or 735 they almost look identical.

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How about the CCM V10's anyone with experience with these. Some places are blowing them out at $299. They have a variety of sizes as well.

vectors are great skates if they fit your feet. they are durable and light enough. they are very stiff so if you don't like extra stiff, go for the 8.0's they are still stiff. if you know your ccm size, you can practically steal vector 10s for only $279


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