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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Madden 2005

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Anyone else pick it up today? Its simply the best football game ever made, period. EA has made playing defense as fun as offense.

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Cool, would you say the game is an improvement upon last years? (which I found amazing, by the way). What kind of stuff have they updated, hows the franchise this year?

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I almost went out to get it today, but I looked on the ea site and saw the release date for the 12th. I've got an EB right down the street.

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I have to wait until September 9th for the PC version to come out. I can't wait to own a bunch of people on the internet again this year.

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Blah...I need the PC version.


I know people over at Tiburon (the ones who design Madden, they're across the street from the rink) Maybe I can get a sneak copy...

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hit stick is unreal. I was the ravens, my friend the jets....blasted martin over the middle with terrell suggs...we probably watched the replay about 20 times.

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