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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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RYR pants

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Having some second thoughts. I'm looking at the back protector on these pants and it seems a bit small. I'm afraid I'll have a gap between my shoulder pads and pants...

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If you feel so, i think it's better to custom the size of kidney pad.

Does it have any sort of plastic or harden material insert in the spine area? Or is it just foam?

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My pants' back height is 155mm from waist belt and 90mm plastic pad in it. The back shape is pop up as little square but the solid pad of inside is the same height as kidney pad of side body.

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I've ordered / Joe has received my 2nd ordering.
I ordered 1st RYR pants last year for test. After few months I've used it I decided specifics of this main ordering.

I'm 168cm (5'6") and real waist size is 87cm. So I ordered 1st pants straightly as Joe told me from my tall and waist. It was 1.outseam...19" 2.inseam...11" 3.kidney pad...6".
Then I changed waist size only to 83cm. Other numbers are better. But I'm not satisfied with its solid pad size. So I sent him these illustrations.


I've thought the difficult to move feeling of RYR caused from too near hip pad sewing point from waist belt and too big thigh pad size.

And this time ordering I challenged custom paint as this.


This is just simulation picture. I sent this to Joe.

He accepted my ordering. The most surprisingly thing was Joe accepted another specified main color besides his stock 29 colors. I was thinking I had to choose color from the 29 colors but he told me to send PDF file of colored illustration. I ordered with dark gray for main color.

It will be arrived maybe 2months later. The cost is 300C$+tax+shipping. I think this is really cheap, so nice!

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I've still been waiting my new pants for 3months. It must be delivered 2months ago.

Joe Kenny, president of RYR has been saying that he has already made my pants but another shop worker, "Terry" hasn't done shipment task for 2weeks over. Then, I don't know why but Joe sent me an email that "Terry, hurry send it to Mimizk!". It looks just a play...

I sent a message through PayPal to escalate into protest.

RYR is the only manufacture of making custom player pants in the world. Certainly I'm satisfied with their product, but really get tired everytime. Really tired...

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I've still been waiting my new pants for 3months. It must be delivered 2months ago.

Joe Kenny, president of RYR has been saying that he has already made my pants but another shop worker, "Terry" hasn't done shipment task for 2weeks over. Then, I don't know why but Joe sent me an email that "Terry, hurry send it to Mimizk!". It looks just a play...

I sent a message through PayPal to escalate into protest.

RYR is the only manufacture of making custom player pants in the world. Certainly I'm satisfied with their product, but really get tired everytime. Really tired...

I believe Eagle has a full custom program as well.

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Finally I've received my new pants but it was really irresponsible thing.

old(current) : new
Kidney pad 135mm : 103mm (must be the same as old one)
Outseam Correct (same)
Inseam 245mm : 313mm (must be the same as old one)
Waist Correct (from 87 down to 83cm)
Bottom circumference 732mm : 645mm

And finally the mark color was wrong. Not yellow. I sent them a PDF file with white drawing.

I asked them as I want more hip volume. But oppositely this new pants were shortened its upper crotch.

I have to make a demand for remake...

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