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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skate Fitting

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Hi. Just got into ice skating and ice hockey about 9 months ago during the summer. Back then I didnt have much knowledge on equipment and fitting of skates. Now I have a much better understanding. Would just like your opinion on what my LHS originally fitted me with and if there were any recommendations on what to try next. My skating has gotten much better and im looking for new skates that will protect my feet a lot more. Right now, even the slightest pass that hits my foot is a stinger. Only other complaint is that my right foot feels like my heel isnt locked into the bottom of the skate like my left foot does. My current skates are Bauer Supreme 2090 Classic Fit in a 6.0 D. I am about 5'6" and weight 120lbs. Ive also done the pencil test and it just barely grazes my foot on the 3rd eyelet. Ive included a bunch of pictures of my feet to help you all out. Thanks for the help.









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Bumped just to see if there is possibly any help for me. Would like to try on some skates but my LHS has decided to not stock any hockey skates anymore. They will order them, but they only keep figure skates on hand now. Will be making a drive out to other shops soon, but would just like a second opinion till then.

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Try a Graf 609/709, probably in a wide width, possibly a Flexlite or RBK as well. You'll get a similar fit from the Supreme Line (not ONE90). The new Supreme line is supposed to be similar to the 8090 in fit as well.

2090s share the last/shape of the higher end 8090/5090 skates, and is notoriously wide and deep. The skates you have right now aren't quite deep enough for you. If you get lacebite over your forefoot, or your arch tends to be sore/cramp, that is probably why.

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Those skates are a pretty good skate to get started out in. I dont think you can go wrong with that old Supreme line and perhaps you're ready for another skate with more protection. Do these skates fit you well? Pinch you in any areas? You probably dont need a wide in most skates and a "D" model should suffice. Have you tried the new Vapors? I'm not talking about the Vapor XXXXs but maybe XXV or another variant. I could be wrong though..You could wait til the new Supreme series comes out in April/May.

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Thanks for all the help. Gonna head out to a shop hopefully within the next 2 weeks to check out some Grafs. But I probably will wait till all the new skates come out to check out the new Supremes. I already had an idea as to how skates are supposed to fit, was just unsure of the type of feet I had and how various models fit.

I dont really have too many problems with my current skates. Left foot is fine. But on my right foot, my heel doesnt feel as secure. Kind of moves around when I skate. And also I get some pain on the outer side of my foot kind of opposite of the arch a inch or so behind my small toe. I thought its because the skate wasnt wide enough in that area but Im not totally sure. Pain stays for several hours even after skating. Also just painful getting hit by a puck anywhere on the skate, even on the toecap.

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If you could find a pair of Flexlites in your size...that would be a good get...They are roomy around the toes, yet snug around the heel and ankles with lots of padding there.

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Just out of curiousity, does anyone know if my foot will possibly fair well in a pair of Kor Shift 1's. Hockeygiant is maybe a hour and half drive away so I might possibly check these out as theyre only $200. Sorry about asking this but im currently in the process of reading that 35 page thread on these skates.

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Im down in california. Hour and half drive over to the actual store. And their warehouse is a 20 minute drive from my place. But Id really prefer to buy it in their store so I can get them baked while there.

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Ive never seen anyone wear Kors around here for some reason. A employee at HockeyGiant was bad mouthing them when I inquired about them. Not good form on his part IMO.

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Would the CCM Tacks have enough volume and width? On a whim, I'd say so...

From looking at the picks, I'd say the Tacks would be to shallow...

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I think he'd be just fine in tacks. He doesnt have a high instep or "thick" feet...Slender and flat maybe, but definitely not "thick."

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That's excactly what I was thinking. The Supreme **90 is a lot deeper fitting and has a lot more volume to it than the Tacks.

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