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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Celebrity Boxing II

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I'm just starting to watch it now. The first one was hilarious and hopefully this'll provide some entertainment on a boring night. Any predictions on the fights? I don't even know who's going at it.

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I saw the first one a while ago, definately over a year, maybe two. I had never heard of or seen the second. Is that the one that aired in the states a while ago?

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He's making a return apperance.

Olga Korbut vs. Darva Conger

Minute Bol vs. The Fridge

Joey Buddafucco vs. China

Schreech vs. some guy I'm not familiar with

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I'm watching it on Fox

It's weird. I feel like I've seen this before, yet I remember Tanya Harding fighting in the first one and she isn't going. Pallilo (the guy schreech fought) has a black eye and I thought Screech busted up a guy last year too. I remember watching a Brady fight a Patridge (sp?) too. Weird maybe I did see this and forgot.

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