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Synergy 700 shoulder pads

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Am currently wearing my brothers ccm v2.0s and they hurt like hell when u get hit or throw a hit which is a big part of my game anyone tried these synergy 700s i see that they are desighned for the physical player which drew my attention whats your thoughts.


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What exactly are you hitting them with? ...Chris Pronger is that you?

Might be the softness of the boot, anything stiffer would help the issue... As long as it fits.

edit - dont mind me, I blame it on lack of sleep and tabbed browsers.

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What exactly are you hitting them with? ...Chris Pronger is that you?

Might be the softness of the boot, anything stiffer would help the issue... As long as it fits.

Pretty sure he is talking about shoulder pads.

I always used Jofa. RBK bought them but have only changed the colours and name. They still offer the best mobility/protection/lightness combo, I feel.

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well, any higher end shoulder pad is going to provide you with much better protection, regardless of brand or design. Vector 2.0's are good for pickup games and non-checking leagues, anything else your asking to hurt.

Those Eastons do look nice though, good shoulder pads and arm guards. if you have the cash for them go right ahead :D

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The Easton 700's are decent shoulder pads for contact play. I personally only use RBK/Jofa shoulders for contact hockey simply because I believe their the best. It's what most of the equipment managers in the pro leagues recommend for their players. There are still a lot of players in Nike/Bauer and Easton shoulder pads however because they are lighter. Then there are the holdouts still in the old traditional Sherwoods that mimic the shoulder pads worn in the sixties.

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i used the easton ultra lite ones, very simular design. i had them for about 4 seasons. they offered great protection, only down fall i had was after like the firsr 8 months, the right shoulder cap let go at the stitching.. but they were great.

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I just ordered some 4-yr old Louisville (TPS) BBA's, because they looked solid and were cheap... On a related topic, medium shoulder pads are too small for me but large is a bit lose. Anyone have this problem or a solution for loose shoulder pads?

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- i used synergy 700s and they are great. Pretty light, very durable and extremely protective. But synergy 800s are like a lot lighter and better quality. Same with stealth s9's which are very light.

- the s9's spine tech save me from getting a back injury for sure since it goes so far down.

- i found that rbk 8ks were very very very light but couldnt withstand the punishment i took. rbk 9k though are heavier but very protective.

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Jofa/RBK shoulder pads in general offer great mobility. Lots of R&D done with those babies. Their just slightly bulkier than some other brands but you can't beat the protection level. Two things the Swedes build well. Volvos and hockey equipment. Their not bad at playing the game either.

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