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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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"off set blade" :blink:

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i was on ebay the other day looking for a new blade and stumbled across sumthing very od it was a blade that had a bend ware the blade exits the shaft by some random make??



can anyone give me anyinformation on this im not interested in buying it but would like to find out about it.

what are the pros and cons and wats the purpose of the bend ????


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i was on ebay the other day looking for a new blade and stumbled across sumthing very od it was a blade that had a bend ware the blade exits the shaft by some random make??



can anyone give me anyinformation on this im not interested in buying it but would like to find out about it.

what are the pros and cons and wats the purpose of the bend ????


Hespler used to make them too. Do a search...they've been discussed before (fairly recently too).

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Do a search, it's been discussed before.

Basically one of those gimmick technologies, it's supposed to help load the shaft since the blade is further back and something like that.

Originally Hespeler, sold to Ballistik, never heard of Techockey. It does still have the same markings (UB offset) that the Hespeler I had did. The offset blade I had was purchased from Perani's for something like $5, marked down from $35 if that gives you any idea of the demand for these.

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I've got one, puck handling seemed a lot easier with it as it really cupped the puck. I only used it twice, as I didnt want to rely on something and not have a replacement later on.

If anyone is interested, you can have mine... just pay for shipping.

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