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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Konig von Kuhlem

Reasoner's Goal...

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Kidding about what? That is the rule. If there is a penalty committed when there is noone between a player with the puck and an empty net then the referee has the discretion to award a goal.

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I like Greene. He seems to be a lot like Belak was in Toronto. He's great with the media...and on the plus side...he's got some skill too. Don't get to see much of Edmonton, but he appears to be having a decent season...especially with some of the injuries they've had on D.

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Yeah, it's refreshing to see players with a bit of personality. It wasn't classic material by any means, but it wasn't what I was expecting.

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I'm not sure if this is an on going joke or Greene really doesn't like Reasoner. When I listen to those comments I get the impression that Greene is taking pot shots at Reasoner and dressing it up as a joke.

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I'm not sure if this is an on going joke or Greene really doesn't like Reasoner. When I listen to those comments I get the impression that Greene is taking pot shots at Reasoner and dressing it up as a joke.

ya i get that impression as well, but on the other hand we could be way off.

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I'm not sure if this is an on going joke or Greene really doesn't like Reasoner. When I listen to those comments I get the impression that Greene is taking pot shots at Reasoner and dressing it up as a joke.

ya i get that impression as well, but on the other hand we could be way off.

Umm...yeah....Way off.

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I'm not sure if this is an on going joke or Greene really doesn't like Reasoner. When I listen to those comments I get the impression that Greene is taking pot shots at Reasoner and dressing it up as a joke.

ya i get that impression as well, but on the other hand we could be way off.

Umm...yeah....Way off.

Sorry, I didn't realize you were tight with the going ons of the Oilers' dressing room...

People take pot shots at others and play it off as a joke every day. It's a pretty common thing, so I don't see why it couldn't happen here. Not saying that's what is happening, just saying it could be.

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He's definetly kidding, they lived together for a while when reasoner came back or something, and older people I know have seen them at the bars together in E-town.

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