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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Lightspeed2 Power VS Lightspeed 2.1

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Digging up an old thread...

I went to my LHS to get LS2's mounted on my ONE90's with LS2p2.1 steel. I am then told that the 2.1 steel won't fit in the holder because the steel is too short (both the holder and steel are 272). I already know that the steel is compatible with the LS2 holder, but I am wondering if what I am being told is right. Is there anyway that NBH mislabeled the size on either the holder/steel or is my LHS wrong?

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1. Will said steel fit in a regular LS2 (red) holder? 2. Is this steel the same steel found on the LS2 (blue) One95 holder? 3. Is LS2 Power steel the same as LS2.1 steel?

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1. Will said steel fit in a regular LS2 (red) holder? 2. Is this steel the same steel found on the LS2 (blue) One95 holder? 3. Is LS2 Power steel the same as LS2.1 steel?

That's what the first questions asked were.

LightSpeed2 (LS2) holder will accept both standard LS2 steel and the new LS2.1 steel. There isn't a 2.1 holder, just new steel and a new color for the logo.

LightSpeed2 POWER (LS2P, tranlucent blue holders from One90) will only take LS2Power steel, nothing else. The 2.1 steel is the same concept as the Power steel, but it will fit a standard LS2 holder. Bauer realised they made a mistake my not allowing a universal swap and dropped the new holder that couldn't take normal steel (plus people had it crack on them often from what I hear).

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It is nice that they figured that out...hope those guys snappin up ONE90's on sale right now get themselves some spare steel!

Now if Bauer could just figure out how to put the same sticker sizes on the same sized skates for their different lines we would really be gettin somewhere! The new foot sizer with it's different sizes for Supreme and Vapor skates is a monument to stupidity!

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It is nice that they figured that out...hope those guys snappin up ONE90's on sale right now get themselves some spare steel!

Now if Bauer could just figure out how to put the same sticker sizes on the same sized skates for their different lines we would really be gettin somewhere! The new foot sizer with it's different sizes for Supreme and Vapor skates is a momument to stupidity!

100% agree with you on the sizing thing. You know what they could do now? launch another line in normal shoe size, like the Missions were, that would be the sh*t

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Haha, you are forgetting they already did that with the Nike line which were true to US running shoe size - adjusted only a couple of seasons ago!

Oh well, nobody ever accused hockey players of being the sharpest tools in the box!

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But equating the skate size to actual shoe size doesnt work either, as shoe sizes vary wildly. I go from 10 to 12 depending on the brand and type of shoe. Buying footwear of anykind sight unseen just doesnt work.

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But equating the skate size to actual shoe size doesnt work either, as shoe sizes vary wildly. I go from 10 to 12 depending on the brand and type of shoe. Buying footwear of anykind sight unseen just doesnt work.

I don't remember anyone saying anything about buying skates sight unseen. Most educated hockey players would never even think of doing that....

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It also doesn't help that most people dont wear their shoes as tight as they wear their skates.

RIGHT! But most dont tie their skates as tight as they used to. When I started playing again after 20+yrs, I got new skates, and CRANKED down the laces, like I used to. Absolutely killed me. I was shocked at how loose you can tie skates these days and have so much stiff lateral support. LOL....I even taped my ankles like the old days!

BTW, got the pants. Thanks!

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I still crank down my laces up high but down low they are very loose. I can easily stick a finger under the laces on the lower eyelets.

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Digging up an old thread...

I went to my LHS to get LS2's mounted on my ONE90's with LS2p2.1 steel. I am then told that the 2.1 steel won't fit in the holder because the steel is too short (both the holder and steel are 272). I already know that the steel is compatible with the LS2 holder, but I am wondering if what I am being told is right. Is there anyway that NBH mislabeled the size on either the holder/steel or is my LHS wrong?

We had this happen at our shop. Some of the holders with the red flags wouldn't accept the 2.1 steel. We however had some bad holders apparently because Bauer sent us some new holders with the red flags and the 2.1 steel fit fine.

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