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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Shawn in Tampa

Thoughts on RBK 9K protective

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Obviously, everything is subjective, but after trying on or owning everything there is to try (except Itech and Mission), as far as high end equipment, is there anything nicer than the RBK 9K stuff?

It is so damn comfortable, seamless, and just screams quality to me. I moved out of the Easton S9 line, and comparitively the Easton gear felt like a toy (although, I really liked the elbows). Obviously, cost is a factor, but if it isnt to you, I find that it would be hard to beat RBK. Despite its protection, doesnt feel bulky at all.

Actually, all the ASD stuff from RBK feels good. On the same hand, I dont like the fit or feel of the "fitlite" line at all. Stiff and not conforming IMO.

Looks like Jofa had it right all along. Anyone disagree?


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Hey Shawn! I agree with you on this, I have all RBK/Jofa gear except skates ( thanks to you). I have 9k helmet very light and comfortable, elbows, shins and gloves are all very protective. I have 8k pants pro stock pants. Those are sum what heavy but protective.

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Oh, I completely agree JR. My only take on that though, has been, if you can afford the best protection, why not? Have never really heard a negative of being over protective. My local shop didnt have any 9K stuff, so I ordered it in.

Oh, I know its "cool" to wear barely any pads, but I'd rather be uncool and as safe as possible. This of course, coming from a guy that wears a shield instead of a cage...LOL

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overprotective = bulk

The 5k are pretty damn close and it's a little bit lighter.

I have xx90 and xx60 shins - I had to gut the hell out of the xx90 to get it right.

Funny story - a few years back Todd Richards (was the captain of the Orlando Solar Bears) needed some shinpads as he was playing in a pickup game. I lent him my 8090s - he took the pad, ripped out every single liner and the calf wing and said "That'll do."

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i picked up a pair of rbk 9k shin pads last summer because i knew i was going to be training with D1 college and NHL players and i figured id need them for this season as well. Took multiple shots off the shins and rarely even felt them. Ive never used a shin like this before. Amazing protection. They have been great for me this season, and if i wasnt so attached to my cooperall shoulders i would probably pick up a pair of 9ks as well...

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ive been in my 8k shoulders for about 4 years now and once they bite the dust (hopefully nom time soon) ill be in the 9ks.

i like smaller elbow pads with not much to them so i haven't used their elbows.

nothing better than the 9k shins in terms of protection and comfort.... on a side note the only shins i liked more than these were my furys with the crocs liner, great idea too bad they broke down so easily

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I'm running with the 6K shoulders and 5K pants. Last night I spent a bit of time playing D as we only had 7, D was part of the "rest" rotation.

I blocked about 10 shots. Several of the shots were right to the thigh, completely pain free. The shoulders are much larger than I've ever worn, I finally retired my 25 year old coopers. After 2 or 3 shifts I didn't even notice them any more. They definately offer some pretty good protection.

If you need 9K protection go for it, but for most men's leagues, a step down should be plenty. Comfort and fit wise I really like the Reebok gear.

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I'm running with the 6K shoulders and 5K pants. Last night I spent a bit of time playing D as we only had 7, D was part of the "rest" rotation.

I blocked about 10 shots. Several of the shots were right to the thigh, completely pain free. The shoulders are much larger than I've ever worn, I finally retired my 25 year old coopers. After 2 or 3 shifts I didn't even notice them any more. They definately offer some pretty good protection.

If you need 9K protection go for it, but for most men's leagues, a step down should be plenty. Comfort and fit wise I really like the Reebok gear.

9K shins are the best shins to date - will buy another pair soon when the cobbler can no longer sew parts of mine back together. The 9K shoulder is nice (kind of like a Jofa 9800 with some design changes) but it is bulky and possibly overkill for most adult leagues. The 9K elbows, while protective and comfortable, cause problems with my jersey sleeves because of the pointy elbows. Switched back to some old Jofas which feel the same, are actually even more protective, and fit in the jersey better. Regardless, all of the 9K equipment is protective and comfortable and I have and gladly would use any of it at anytime again.

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