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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Open Water

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Saw it tonight.

The movie had a very low budget so the camera work wasn't good at all. The actual Idea of the movie was good, and made you think. Freaky at times.

I give it a 5/10.

Anyone else seen it?

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Haven't seen it but I love the marketing for that movie.

"Based on true events..." Yeah poeple have been eaten by sharks, it's known to happen.

"The best shark movie since Jaws..." More like the ONLY shark movie since Jaws.

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More like the ONLY shark movie since Jaws.

You forgot deep blue sea :lol:

I thought that movie what horrable(deep blue sea). I havent seen open water, but I want to go see it.

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was deep blue see the one with the genetically engineered sharks? if so, that movie was completely itiotic. what was the point for Samuel L. Jackson's and LL Cool J's respective characters? it can't be classified as a shark movie, it's more like a crap movie.

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ya, at least in open water, the sharks were real.

and it was based on true events because the two people got left alone in the water on a diving trip.

Actually, I dont think there was proof they even got eaten by sharks.

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SPeaking of movies with good ideas, has anyone heard ofthe movie "Cellular"? or something liek that. Its about this person who is kidnapped and phones a random cell phone number and this guy does everythign she says to try and help her. I think thats how it goes, but i must be wrong because if she can phone the guys cell phone, why wouldnt she just phone the cops?

I dunno....

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I saw the preview for that when I went to Bourne Supremacy. I wasn't paying too close of attention to it, but it looked like it could have potential. Could be god-awful, too.

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