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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sherwood RM9 and RM19?

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I was looking into these sticks and was wanting to know if anyone has feedback on the feel and kick of these sticks? I did try to search, but RM9 is a dirty 3 letter word to search?

OK, before I get flamed. I did find some info searching under other words. Anyway has anyone got anymore info on them?

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ive used the rm19. It was the first OPS ive used and I certainly liked it. I had a 95 flex Spezza (demo) and it had good feel and good kick. held up for a while as well. pretty light taboot. The shaft (truetemper i believe) is a tank. not to hijack the thread, but could someone let me know if the rm19s are a fused stick or a "true". i would love to salvage the shaft, as the blade has gone soft. I know the rm9 is, but I tried to heat up the 19 and nothing happened...other than some cramps in the hands

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I was just too lazy to re-type everything I wrote in this initial post... keep in mind, this is last year's RM9, so I have no idea what sort of improvements they did/didn't make on '08s RM9/RM19


I never really followed up much after a few uses, but the puck feel was good. Nothing to raise eyebrows over. And for the price at the time ($118), I was sold. My brother has been abusing the same RM9 since about 2 months after my initial post...

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I have the RM9, 95 flex, Spezza pattern, grip. The stick is great if you get it for around £100. You can't really go wrong with it. I'm on my 2nd one, the blade on the 1st one split on the toe after 3 ice times. The 2nd one is holding up superbly. It's nicely balanced, the pop is great. It's not a feather, but it's still pretty light and performs very well. It's supposed to be a tank, but only time will tell. So far I'm very happy with it. It's my best back up stick. My team mate has 2 RM19 shafts, one is medium flex grip the other regular flex clear, he loves them both. I prefer my Bubble to the RM19 shaft tho (I tried it with one of my blades).

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it'll be blade heavy with a wooden blade... the shaft is quite light. You might want to cut it a bit more and put a wood plug in the end of the shaft.

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Checking out the Sher-Wood website, it looks like the RM19 shaft comes in Medium, Regular, Stiff, etc. flexes. Does anyone have any idea how these flexes come out in terms of numbers 85, 100, 110, etc.?


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75, 85, 100 is my guess. i found a rm9 broken OPS in the trash and converted it to a street hockey stick. wood blade definitely makes it pretty blade-heavy.

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it'll be blade heavy with a wooden blade... the shaft is quite light. You might want to cut it a bit more and put a wood plug in the end of the shaft.

Yep, I'll be doing that for sure.

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I had the RM19 and I didnt like it at all. I thought it was one of the worst OPS I had ever used. Just couldnt get used to the feel, I thought the blade was very weak and it had alot of 'give' to it.

Now that I think about it my problem might have been that I needed to cut it more to fit my height. But that wouldve been an inch or so, I still say its the least fav. stick Ive used in a long time.

If I were you and you wanted a sher-wood I would wait and look for an older model. Sher-woods older twigs were just incredible but are pretty hard to find now-a-days.

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I am currently using a Stastny (Coffey pro) RM19 OPS, 75 Flex. I actually LOVE this stick. I got it from Hat Trick Hockey in MN on a tip from Jarick here on these boards -- thanks bud! By the time I decided to buy it, it was on their clearance shelf for $89. Not bad for a $200 stick! The only thing I'd change is the flex. After cutting about 8 inches off the shaft (these sticks are 63" long), it is still to whippy for me. 85 Flex next time.

First, the blade is much stronger and stiffer than the flimsy (imo) SWD RM9 replacement blades. But it still has a great feel. Pretty easy to control hard passes, excellent for stickhandling and passing. It is very responsive and kicks very well for wristers and snappers. Slapper not as much, but I think that's due to the flex being a little too whippy for me.

This is the best feeling OPS I have ever used. It is lighter and more balanced than any other stick I have picked up to date. The shaft (at least on mine) is smaller and slightly rounded -- just feels great to hold. It seems durable and has lasted me a couple months of playing 2-3/week with no problems (except last week when I stupidly jammed the toe of the blade repeatedly into the ice in frustration after screwing up. Cracked open the composite a bit, but I sealed it and it seems fine. The blade is still stiff.)

I am trying to find another RM19 (Coffey stock) because I like this stick so much. Only problem they go for $250 EACH(!) at hockey galore, and they seem to be the only one to carry them online. That price is simply ridiculous.

I just noticed there's a RH RM19 95 Flex Coffey on ebay for $150. I'd pay that if it was the correct hand/flex/grip for me.

All that being said, I am not entirely certain that the RM19 I have is the same as the SOP or the now available retail stock pattern RM19s, as Sherwood made these Stastny's (Coffey pros) specially for Hat Trick. I think I remember them saying that True Temper manufactured the shaft, and I'm not 100% positive that the same holds true for the other RM19s out there.

Overall, great, light, responsive stick IMO.

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i had ordered some rm19's just before x-mas...Drury pattern,85 flex grip and i absolutely love them. the only thing i found wrong with them was the durability but i guess for a top end stick its not gonna be known for its durability. after about 4 skates the toe on one of them started to chip away but i stopped using that one and the second one has help up great

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just got a sop in the mail.rm19 75 bouchard. the feel is pretty bad. lot of vibration, and just not an overall good feel in my hands. had a pretty nice pop though. im still breaking it in, so we will see where it goes.

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I had a RM7 with a spezza curve and loved it, after it broke i got a RM9 wit the same curve and could not get used to teh stick at all, i kinda hated it but was forced to use it for a stick and puck session and over the two hours of using it i got used to it, ive been using it as my number one stick now and i liek it, i guess it just took a while to get used to it and now i love it, pretty sick stick :D

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Anyone know what the difference is (other than price) between the new RM9 "Pro Team" OPS -- being sold at chains like Dick's and Sports Authority -- and the original RM9 Pro OPS which is $50 more? - Thanks

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I have the RM9 in the 95 Regher (Drury) pattern. I actually really like it. It is very responsive for a pretty inexpensive stick. I would reccomend it, and can't wait to try the RM19 custom.

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Use a RM19 Shaft Standard X-Stiff (so non-tapered, non-grip, 105 flex) mated with a RM9 Crosby pattern blade. Use these sticks for inline as they are too light for me for ice. Call me old school but the grip and taper just seem like marketing gimmicks and while I do not care for grip, taper seems to really have no added value. So standard non-grip are my choices there. I like flex at 102-105 (105 for Sherwood ) because 1) call me old school - the stiffness of wood sticks is what I grew up using and is therefore what I am used to and 2) I am a bigger, stronger guy and I shoot my hardest and best using wood sticks. The shaft and blade are both extremely light and of the highest quality. The stick+blade is too light for me to get used to. Therefore I use it for inline although outdoors the RM9 is terrible as once it wears through the bottom (1 day) the blade loses stiffness and becomes undesirable. Will be putting in some composite blades but keeping the shafts. For ice, the blades are nice with good feel and very little weight. Balance on the stick is nice and the durability is the best on the market. The shaft has no negatives. Sher-woods are the only sticks I will use. The Crosby pattern is nice but the lie is higher than I like so I will be switching back to my classic Coffey curve. Overall, if you are a fan of extremely light, high quality composite sticks, than you cannot go wrong with the RM19 / RM9 combo or any of the OPS. If you are used to a heavier stick these might be too light for you - that is my only complaint. Some LHS owners have told me the SWD composite is the only composite stick that will wear out before breaking / giving out - fwiw - and they sell all the brands. Later,

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