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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Vapor XXXX Shaft

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I'm planning on buying the Vapor XXXX shaft but I don't know the release date. I know Great Skate has it for "April deleviery" but I'm wondering if it will be worth buying it from them or just waiting until my LHS has it in stock. So, does anyone know the release date?


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It was an all right shaft to me but it was standard and my assumption is it was just a repainted One90 shaft.

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The XXXX is tapered though, whereas the One90 is not. First Line Dealers will have it in April....others in May.

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I forgot to mention mine were pro stocks, which is the only XXXX shaft anyone would have been used since they're not released.

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The XXXX is tapered though, whereas the One90 is not. First Line Dealers will have it in April....others in May.

First Line Dealer is what exactly?

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The XXXX is tapered though, whereas the One90 is not. First Line Dealers will have it in April....others in May.

First Line Dealer is what exactly?

FLD April

Every other October.

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The XXXX is tapered though, whereas the One90 is not. First Line Dealers will have it in April....others in May.

First Line Dealer is what exactly?

FLD April

Every other October.

he's asking for an example of a first line dealer i think

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First Line Dealer is a shop that meets/exceeds certain purchase minimums from NBH and therefore is rewarded with extra services and earlier release times on new products.

CCM/RBK calls it Platinum dealer iirc. Not sure if mission/easton have similar programs.

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The XXXX is tapered though, whereas the One90 is not. First Line Dealers will have it in April....others in May.

First Line Dealer is what exactly?

FLD April

Every other October.

I am fairly sure that non-FLD'ers will have their gear before October.

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Don't get your hopes up people. I got a chance to use this (NCAA pro stock, tapered, stick-um grip), and honestly, I wasn't too impressed. I blew out the hosel area after about two weeks of use, I usually break sticks after a month. Feel was nice, nothing great, no noticable difference (to me) b/w this and XXXlite shafts.

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How would I find out if a certain store is a "First Line Dealer"? Does the NBH website have any info? Also, you say they are due to arrive at FLDs in April, when exactly?


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Sorry for the late reply, my computer crashed and it took a while to be fixed. The shaft is, in my opinion great. The flex is about right for me (87) and it is extremely light, I like the shape of the shaft and overall it is the one of the best shafts I have owned.

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Sorry to bump this thread...just curious how the overall durability has been for this shaft? What have people seen so far in terms of construction quality?


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