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Stick stats in the NHL

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Adrian Aucoin uses a RBK woodie as well (3K)

I'm pretty sure Aucoin (as well as Brisbois and Hamrlik in MTL) have all switched from wood to OPS.

Aucoin is using a wooden RBK still. Hamrlik is switching between OPS Sickicks and Sickick shafts with wooden blades.

Luke Richardson was using a one90 shaft with the lightning last year, not sure what he has been using since.

XXXX OPS by the looks of things

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So nobody uses a TPS shaft. Funny because I saw a picture recently of someone in the NHL with a TPS 2 piece and I find it hard to believe that Chris higgins is only one of 3 players using a Bauer shaft. One thing I trust with those figures is that Easton is definitely the dominant company in sticks.

I agree I am fairly certain I have seen more than 3 Bauer shafts just recently there was a thread with Goncher having one I have seen Smith use one, I am sure there are more.

Pretty sure S. Niedermayer uses a Bauer shaft as well.

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I would suspect there are more than 81 players using Warrior.

Kind of odd to see zero easton woodies out there...and who's using the 8 CCM/RBK woodies? I'm not even aware of a high end CMM/RBK wood stick.

Joe Vasicek used RBK woodie all season.

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So nobody uses a TPS shaft. Funny because I saw a picture recently of someone in the NHL with a TPS 2 piece and I find it hard to believe that Chris higgins is only one of 3 players using a Bauer shaft. One thing I trust with those figures is that Easton is definitely the dominant company in sticks.

I agree I am fairly certain I have seen more than 3 Bauer shafts just recently there was a thread with Goncher having one I have seen Smith use one, I am sure there are more.

Pretty sure S. Niedermayer uses a Bauer shaft as well.

He has been using Warrior all season.

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Aucoin is using the 3k, I was at the game on sunday and they had his stick for sale there and it was an RBK 3K woodie.

I do have a question about that, is that the same stick as any retail 3K(only one i have seen is painted red and his is normal) or do they do something more special for guys in the nhl using wood.

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Company NHL share Manufacturing sites

Easton 45.1% Tijuana, Mexico

Nike/Bauer 15.7% Composite sticks made in China, wood ones in Canada

RBK/CCM 13.7% Composites in China; wood in Canada, Finland

Warrior 11.8% Tijuana

Sher-Wood 2.3% Composites, high-end wood, goalie sticks in Canada; most wood-stick production being shifted to Eastern Europe

Note: Louisville TPS, Mission and other companies make up the rest of the NHL market

this info was from a USA Today article back in feb.

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NBH Official line at the recent NBH Pro Sales meeting in Munich is that they are on par with Easton for numbers, with more than 30% of the NHL composite stick market. They also said that Easton have moved production to China.

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