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Squat difficulties

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I've been working out at home on and off for about 6 months. Recently I moved into the second phase of my program which switches to more of a strength routine and calls for higher weights. My problem is the pain the bar always puts on the back of my neck. As well I have a very small ceiling and nowhere that holds the weight at a reasonable height to take it off. I've had a few bad experiences with gyms and am looking at alternative methods of home work-outs. Almost every program calls for squats, this specific one box squats, but its almosti mpossible to put the weights down to the floor after a set. I'm actually substituting Box squats for Barbell Hack Squats, but would really like to do the upright squats. Any suggestions? Also my legs are fairly strong so difficult to put the weight on any objects I have.

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can you get a styrofoam pad to wrap around the bar where it rests on ur back n neck? or myabe try wrapping a towel or something around it to soften that area up

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I have a pillow I'm using right now, but the bar comes through with the weights i'm using and I'd like to double it at least.

Anyone got some alternate Ideas for a push press either? I haven't been able to find alot of ideas on the net. I'm thinking Military Press.

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Instead of a pillow, you might want to get some foam like you find in helmets. You may be able to buy a chunk from THR/GH.

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I never even thought of that. Think some foam wrap (white stuff) would work? My main problem with this though is that there isn't enough room to get the weight above my head and it's also a long way to pick-up and put-down the weight. Think I'd have difficulties building my own squat rack?

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As for suggestions, I'm not sure - but you shouldn't have pain unless:

a. you have the bar resting in the wrong spot

b. you have some sort of injury


c. you're underdeveloped in that part of your back and shoulders

Don't forget that as you add padding to the bar, you're going to decrease the stability of the bar on your back.

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Like I said i'm pretty inexperienced in Squats. Where should the bar be resting? The pain generally comes around just at the top of my back right under my neck.

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You probably have the bar resting in the correct spot - there's a natural feel to it. Most gyms have pads for the squat bar that attach very nicely - you can google for "squat bar pad" and find them in the $25 range. You're much better off going this route as opposed to a do-it-yourself solution. The padding will be much more effective and you'll have more control over the bar.

While you're at it, throw some cleans into your routine, if you're comfortable doing so. You'll put some nice beef on your upper back and shoulders.

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By all means, ignore the supplements!!! I don't see how people can think they are getting "healthy" while downing tubs of pills each day!

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By all means, ignore the supplements!!!  I don't see how people can think they are getting "healthy" while downing tubs of pills each day!

One of the stupidest things I have heard or read in my life. If every single person on this board isn't taking a multivitamin pill each day they are a complete idiot to start with. Along with that, other pills will make you more healthy and make life easier in the process. Take antioxidents for an example; to alleviate or even aviod DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness), you want to take elevated doses of antioxidents, or vitamin C in particular. Don't be afraid of pills in general, be knowledgable of whats in them. I've also seen a considerable bias against performance enhancing supplements. I don't use many, but I will tell you that taking my pills along with whey protein, creatine at times, and glutamine (creatine and glutamine are both essential to the body) has made me stronger, recover quicker, and helped me make more of what I was born with than training completely 'naturally.' By the way, creatine and glutamine are both composed of amino acids, which exist in your body. You are just giving the body more of what it uses when you are exerting yourself. A lot of people on this board need to get off this dumbass trip about supplements and how wrong they are and how taking pills won't improve your life. Educate yourself, cuz you're starting to sound alot like the people that still support Bush, and it does nothing for your credibility...

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Vitamins are good but a lot of the others have not had long term testing done. They are not considered a drug so there is no testing required like that of drugs, however they alter your body chemistry. If and when scientific testing can prove it is safe, I will believe it.

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the bar should be resting across your traps when your doing squats. right on the back of your shoulders...not your neck. it may feel awkward at first, but it won't hurt near as much, or at all

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"Supplements" to me mean the various metabolism changing herbs and chemicals, like hydroxycut, etc., that you see advertised on weight lifting sites and mags. You would have to be a little fruity to think you can take all those pills and be healthy.

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whats so fruity about iron or potassium or fiber or vitamin pills? many ppl don't get the recommended intakes of these and other minerals and vitamins, so they take the supplements. THATS what makes you healthier

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Are you having trouble reading??? What they guy posted, that I was responding to, was to go to the link for the manta ray, and then click on the supplements tab. We are not talking about vitamins.

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Here is a page on proper execution of a full squat. The site is pretty decent, it explains all muscles and shows different exercises.


Ya, I like that site alot actually. It's good for finding a few of the olympic type exercises I had listed on my program. Plus you gotta love the animated examples.

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Here is a page on proper execution of a full squat. The site is pretty decent, it explains all muscles and shows different exercises.


thnats the shittiest squat ever. Never go below parallel (90 degrees), good way to ruin your knees. go to www.abcbodybuilding.com

and kovy ribs fedo, normal squat i max out around 300 lbs, but there are so many alterations to squats that it means nothing. right now i do a squat where i hold it at parallel for 4 secs, then explode up. im using 205 lbs 6 times, which is no way even on a max chart 300 lbs.

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