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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I saw it last night and i loved it. It's a different kind of humor and the main charactor says some of the funniest things ive ever heard. It's deffinetly worth seeing. Anyone's opinions on this movie yet?

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I know some people who had sneak passes and had mixed reviews so I'd been holding off. I just like the fact he wears moon boots and will end up seeing it soon.

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i wanna see this movie so bad that its not even funny. i can't get enough of the clips of it from the website. but again, it is a different style of humor, a more pessimistic kind

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I saw a sneak preview of it a couple weeks ago. I knew nothing about it going into it, but it was one of the funniest movies i have seen in a long time. A very different kind of humor, but funny. yesssssss...

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Wow, I'm amazed that so many hated this movie.

I saw it the other night, and I dont think I laughed harder in a movie than I did in that.

It's a different kind of humor like said above, it's mindless humor...it's my kind of humor.

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