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NHL team stats

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I'm doing a project for a stats class that relates total points to random variables in the NHL. I was wondering where i can find the following stats for the last three regular seasons.

Average age on each team

# of all stars on each team

Total # hits given per team

Does anyone know where i can find these stats for the last 3 seasons?



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Hit numbers aren't published anymore players were using them in arbitration cases so the NHL stopped making it a public stat.

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Hit numbers aren't published anymore players were using them in arbitration cases so the NHL stopped making it a public stat.

Wow, didn't know that.

Okay...so just the first two. Anyone know where i can find them?

the project is a regression analysis for the class. But i'll take it outside of the class to try and predict next years rankings and stanley cup champs. Should be fun.

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Out of date but I found this with 06 stats on


Calculating the AllStars shouldn't take long at all TBH.

Yea, i did some searching, but couldn't find already done all star stats...so i did them myself. didn't make a difference though 'cause in '06 there was no game, and I'm going 3 years back with my study. It'd be inconsistent.

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i heard that, chadd... but...

http://www.nhl.com/nhlstats/app under individual player stats, under "stats view:" select 'RTSS Player stats' and set whatever other parameters you want.

You'll get a report like this:


Second link doesn't work. I know they stopped publishing a total per player prior to the lockout, but they continue to keep the numbers for each game.

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hmmm weird, the second link still works for me. at any rate, the RTSS stat sheet has totals for Htis, Blocked shots, missed shots, giveaways, takeaways, and faceoff stats.

I think what they ended up doing was vetting that these stats were accurate and officia (hence unable to be used in arbitration)l. Like Kosy just said, it's so subjective, but totals are indeed kept.

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oh, I know what probably happened... did you get a page about some sort of app failure? Sometimes the stats pages are subject to that, directly linked, or whether you enter through the front end and request specific sheets. Crapping coding, I've brought it up before, but guess they didnt do much about it.

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oh, I know what probably happened... did you get a page about some sort of app failure? Sometimes the stats pages are subject to that, directly linked, or whether you enter through the front end and request specific sheets. Crapping coding, I've brought it up before, but guess they didnt do much about it.

I believe that was the case

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