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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Tackla Custom Pants

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I just tried to order a pair of Tackla 5000 Air pants size 56 -2 and was told by the hockey shop it takes 14-16wks. Is this correct? Is there a place I can order them and get them sooner? Any help greatly appreciated!

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I have these and their worth the wait. I'm an Easton fanatic but I dumped the Easton S-9's for these. Unbelievable comfort and flexability. European fit. I also have the Graf 700's. Same Euro fit and flexability and much lighter than some other popular brands. You may want to look at a pair if you like the Tackla fit, very similar and decent quality.

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Thanks for the information. I have had my present tackla pants for about 15yrs and I like the fit. My present pants I had to sew back together with fishing line in the legs. Unfortunately I am getting older & larger so I need a bigger waist size, but not the length.

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I just tried to order a pair of Tackla 5000 Air pants size 56 -2 and was told by the hockey shop it takes 14-16wks. Is this correct? Is there a place I can order them and get them sooner? Any help greatly appreciated!

I'd check with Tackla on their lead times direct. Their customer support is pretty good. They won't sell direct though.

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