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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Stealth S11 gloves

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I was looking at a pair a while back. Nice gloves but they where too pricey, almost $200 CDN here. I went with the S-7's for now. Not to bad a quality, great protection. I like the feel of the S-11's better and probably pick up a pair next year when the newer models are out and the cost has dropped a bit on these.

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had a pair for about 9months now, awesome gloves. only niggle i have had with them is i wore hole in the palm of my top hand really quickly, took about a month. i think it was due to the palm having those little holes in, which just stretched and formed a hole

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feel is great, i wear a 13" because i prefer snug over loose. palm is really nice and other than me wearing a hole quickly in my top hand has been amazing, my bottom hand shows basically no wear. finger mobility is great, and they weigh next to nothing. the cuff is quite open which is for a good range wrist movement. one thing i noticed recently which i like is the elasticated finger gussets which allow a bit of extra freedom because it doesnt feel like you are battling agains the stiffer materials in a more traditional glove

got mine from totalhockey. i think they have them on closeout atm.

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