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Vapor XXXX Gloves

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i did not try on the regulars, so i can not say. at the shop i was at they only had the pros.

i was going on what everyone else was saying.

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When I get some scrilla (funny word :P) together, Im def grabbing the XXXX's IDK if im getting the pros or not. I went to one of the Stores near me and they only had that normals. Regardless... Beautiful glove.

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Got the Vapor XXXX Pros last night, really like them. Had tried One 90s (felt to tight and bulky) and 4rolls (to loose and open) but these suit me best.

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If I had to choose, I would go with the pros. I can get over the look of the glove, even the additional weight, but the extra stuff they put on the palm of the regular ones kill me. IMO it would be a much better glove if they stuck with a classic nash palm

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When I got my PPFs it was a toss up between these and the XXXX gloves (both pro and retail). I didn't like the XXXX regular because of the outer material (I love nylon although i ended up getting portofino PPFs). I didn't like the Pro version because the nash palm was pretty thick and for a $200 glove you would expect a better palm (vapor xxx palms would've been nice). The retail palms felt nicer when i first tried them on.

Protection wise to me when i tried both on it seemed like it would cover my hands well but it's a small glove so I understand why some people have issues with the sizing.

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I read through the vapor xxxx threards and couldnt find what i was looking for. When i was watching game 3 of the pens-wings series i noticed malkin was wearing all black vapor xxxx's. Watching the game they looked like the normal retail non pro model. I went and looked at some pictures from the first 3 games and it confirmed my observation, they looked identical to retail. Does anyone know if this is the case or not?

Edit: I was looking on greatskate and they have the description of the regular retail, but pictures of both the regualr and pro models. Anyone know which glove it is they are selling?

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Not to sure but Malkin uses a diff colour palm (grey instead of beige)...not sure if it's the same material though.

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A player like Malkin gets his gloves exactly how he wants them. If he wants the stock palm, then that's what he gets. I definitely like the nash palm better. I have them on my Roll 4's. Everything just feels more natural in them...

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The all black Vapor XXXX Pro glove was a make-to-order color available when your LHS placed his booking order. The Black/White is the stock color.

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Can anyone going from the 4 rolls to the XXXX pro comment on what sizes they went with in each? I wear 13" in the 4 rolls and tried on both the 13" and 14" XXXX pro in my LHS today and the 13" felt a little short in a few fingers while the 14" felt pretty good overall. Will the 13" stretch out though after use to fit perfect or should I go with the 14" and hope they don't stretch and end up being too big? Thanks for the help guys!

EDIT: Nevermind, just gonna go with the 14"s, tried on the 13"s again and don't see them stretching enough to fight.

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Can anyone going from the 4 rolls to the XXXX pro comment on what sizes they went with in each? I wear 13" in the 4 rolls and tried on both the 13" and 14" XXXX pro in my LHS today and the 13" felt a little short in a few fingers while the 14" felt pretty good overall. Will the 13" stretch out though after use to fit perfect or should I go with the 14" and hope they don't stretch and end up being too big? Thanks for the help guys!

I have 13" Roll-4s and 14" Vapor XXXX Pros. Definitely happy with the fit of both...

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Can anyone going from the 4 rolls to the XXXX pro comment on what sizes they went with in each? I wear 13" in the 4 rolls and tried on both the 13" and 14" XXXX pro in my LHS today and the 13" felt a little short in a few fingers while the 14" felt pretty good overall. Will the 13" stretch out though after use to fit perfect or should I go with the 14" and hope they don't stretch and end up being too big? Thanks for the help guys!

I have 13" Roll-4s and 14" Vapor XXXX Pros. Definitely happy with the fit of both...

Perfect, that is the same situation for me, nice to have some reassurance on the sizing.

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Can anyone going from the 4 rolls to the XXXX pro comment on what sizes they went with in each? I wear 13" in the 4 rolls and tried on both the 13" and 14" XXXX pro in my LHS today and the 13" felt a little short in a few fingers while the 14" felt pretty good overall. Will the 13" stretch out though after use to fit perfect or should I go with the 14" and hope they don't stretch and end up being too big? Thanks for the help guys!

I have 13" Roll-4s and 14" Vapor XXXX Pros. Definitely happy with the fit of both...

Perfect, that is the same situation for me, nice to have some reassurance on the sizing.

I had the same issue, went with the 14' after skating with them they fit perfectly.

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just got my blackhawks colored 4-rolls in 13' and they're amazing too bad i can't use them till after christmas. But I had the XXV in 14' cause I really didnt see the need to pay more for the XXXX because they felt the exact same to me

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just got my blackhawks colored 4-rolls in 13' and they're amazing too bad i can't use them till after christmas. But I had the XXV in 14' cause I really didnt see the need to pay more for the XXXX because they felt the exact same to me

Nice, Patrick Kane style. Sharp's XXXX Pro's are sweet!

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I would honestly avoid those gloves. The amount of protection they provide, particularly at that price is completely unacceptable. Seriously, they feel like low end ccm gloves from 10 years ago padding-wise.

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I've used both. I've been using the 4 rolls for a while which are pretty much bullet proof, but I also used a pair of my buddies XXXX pro's for a few games too (which is why I'm gonna get a pair). There is no secret that they lack in protection compared to the 4 rolls and that the normal XXXX is a better choice for protection, but you do make a gain in the fit and light weight which is a trade off I'm willing to make. If I feel they're too much of a liability in protection then I can just switch back to the 4 rolls!

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