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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Odd medical problem

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ok so i got my wicked 5's a while ago and had a nightmare breaking them in

now, after a few months, they are very usable and i love them but after about an hour of skating, the inside of the right ankle starts hurting like crazy

quick examination feels as iff there is a plate of soft cartilage or bone under the skin. when i rotate that plate around it makes an internal sound of rubber stretching

sorry if this is confusing i was just wondering if any body had this problem and could help me out

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your description is a little tough to understand maybe take a picture and point to where you hurt. There is no cartilage in that area and ligaments are too deep, it may be tendon that your feeling maybe even inflammed bursa.

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I had the same problem with my Helium 10000's. Simply put: some skates fit and some don't. I didn't have that problem with any other skate outside of the 10k's.

Did the weird cartilage "grinding" noise become evident only when you started using the Wicked 5's? You could really have the same issue I did if that's the case....

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area looks normal on the outside but yes, its the navicular bone i believe

problems started after i began using the wicked 5's on a regular basis

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you may have os navicularis like i have which always bothers me on my mission skates. I had my skates punched for the fix. Also you can also have posterior tibialis tendonitis which is the tendon that inserts into the navicular bone area. try getting the skates punched i bet it helps.

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I have the same problem. What I do is when I bake the skate (or heat up the area later on) I cut out a piece of foam the shape of the bone and tape it over my sock. Once heated it pushes the skate away for the bone, just like it would if you had it punched out.

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i've already baked them twice because i couldn't last more than a minute in them so i dont want to bake again at risk of completely killing the durability

ill try the punch

thanks for the help guys

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finally had this diagnosed for those who have similiar issues.

it's called a periosteal reaction


formation of new bone in response to injury or other stimuli of the periosteum surrounding the bone. It is most often identified on X-ray films of the bones.

i was treated with a hydrocortisone shot directly into the problem area. hopefully this helps deal with those dam stiff wicked lights....sigh

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This sounds like what I get with my XXXX's right now. They're simply not deep enough for my foot. If this is the case, there are many threads on this. Once I get my new skates i'm going to punch them out and use them as my back ups.

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I have the same problem. What I do is when I bake the skate (or heat up the area later on) I cut out a piece of foam the shape of the bone and tape it over my sock. Once heated it pushes the skate away for the bone, just like it would if you had it punched out.

You can make a doughnut out of some foam rubber (e.g. from an old mouse pad) to keep the sensitive area from being irritated.

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One thing you can try is to figure out the exact place it is binding, get a giant C-clamp, and clamp it on really tight at that spot. The force will compress the gel in that area and leave a permanent dent on the inside.

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Ive had the same problem with my Wicked 5's...There are a few topics on this in the inline section...Basically when Mission made these skates, the entire wicked line the pad that is suppose to wrap around the ankle is a little short, thus exposing the ankle to the stiff part of the boot...Some people's foot fits them well, most however have this same problem as you...Mission is aware of the problem, but now is probubly to late to do anything about them as the skates are now almost 3 years old...But you could always contact them and see what they would do for ya...

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