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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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availability of RH Intermediate sticks

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Hi this is my first post, coz i normally find the info i look for just by searching so sorry if this is in the wrong place anyway thanks in advance:

I’m from New Zealand and coaching a team for AAU Junior Olympics in Philly and

I can’t wait to get over there and go shopping as you pay can pay close to USD$390 for a s17 or se.

I’m about 5’4 , 180 pds and use a RH intermediates (forsbergs) – I chop off like a good 5-7” so often they end up stiffer than a 100 flex uncut.

In NZ almost everyone plays right handed, you’d be lucky to get one left handed player in a team and I’m just wondering whether RH intermediate sticks are that easy to get coz there doesn’t seem to be heaps of choice on Hockey Monkey, epuck etc?

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hahaha iknow you miss the Rec. the other day they were spraying this fire retardent stuff in the roof over tiny town and managed to get it all over the rink ....nothing ever changes eh Mal?

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