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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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reuse blade from broken OPS?

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i've read penty of threads about reusing a shaft where the blade broke, but what about if the shaft broke... can i reuse the blade? (assumng i cut above the blade hosel and remove all excess shaft material?) possible with a xxx-lite ops?

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You can reuse the blade from a broken OPS but not on the XXX lite. That stick is a "true" one piece and the blade does not have a tenon that goes into the shaft. Sticks that are "fused" are able to be taken apart.

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i've been able to reuse the blades of broken Warrior Dolomites. it wasn't pretty, but all i needed was a heat gun, a table vise and some elbow grease. anyone been able to do the same with other twigs?

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i've been able to remove blades from

warrior dolomites

bauer xx

tps r2

easton- sl, st, 350, 300

ccm vector 6.0

on some i've just heated the remaining shaft and peeled away the graphite until i get to the tenon

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There is another option. I got a Vapor XXX Lite from a mother on the opposing team (nephew's game). She was throwing it away, and I took it to a SRS repair facility one mile from work. $30 later, I have a great stick at a great price.

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