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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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5.5 Forsberg?

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Is there a 5.5 Forsberg out there? I know last years Boyes was close, but is there anything else? Or will I just have to go with a Weight or Iggy (Which both arent very close Curve/Profile wise)

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I thought Boyes was 5.5 lie Forsberg? What about the 6 lie Fedorov? The Weight is the same lie as my Forsberg, and it plays closer to a cross between an Iginla and Sakic than the Forsberg (shoot from the middle, not the heel).

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ive used weight and heatly curves interchangeably for a bit, at first the weight took a bit of getting used to, just due to the rocker, not that bad in the middle of the blade, big rocker toward the toe i find

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Warrior Fedorov comes in lie 4,5 and 6. You probably want 5. Hockey Monkey and IceWarehouse have them (i think).

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The Boyes from last year was. But there are no standard blades and Im not crazy about the VDS. Does your weight have a big rocker?

Ah, that does limit your options.

My Weight seems to have about the same lie as my Forsberg with just a hair more rocker on the heel. It actually plays like a 5.5 from the mid to toe and 4.5 from heel to mid. But I'm just in love with the curve and my goalie was complimenting me on my shot since switching. Much less flutter than the Forsberg, easier to pick corners, and my slappers are right on goal instead of wide like they were before. It's like a hybrid between the Drury and Iginla with less loft.





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