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Need Help: Wireless internet and Desktop PCs

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I am moving into a house this month that has wireless internet. I own a desktop computer and will not be able to connect my desktop to the wireless router via an ethernet cable due to distance.

I was initially planning on purchasing a network adapter card that I would plug into my computer, however as I was just surfing Amazon I came across this http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000QGBC8..._pr_product_top

I am under the impression that if I were to order this product, I could plug it into an outlet in my wall, plug one end of an ethernet cord into this product and the other end into the ethernet slot on my PC, and I will be connected to the internet. Is this correct? The product description is confusing me a little bit.

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Personally, I wouldn't bother with that...

Wireless cards are really cheap, and if you are running XP (or even Me)...it's silly easy to set up. I put a wifi card in a computer for a friend of mine. Installed the card....ran the CD, and it instantly started finding wireless services. Unfortunately, I wasn't at his place, so we didn't have any passwords for the networks it found, but as soon as he got it home, it grabbed his home network and attached easily.

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That is what ours is. It is our neighbours but they don't have a password. The connection is only really good if you stand on the front porch however, so we went back to the modem

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i just got a new pc and instead of getting a card i got an adapter that plugs into the usb. but everytime i go to use the computer i have to take it out of the usb port and plug it back in. why is this, can i prevent this, and is a card better?

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i just read a review on the netgear one and it seems like others have been having my problem. since i just got this last week i think im gunna try to return it and get a cheaper one from that site. thanks for the link!

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F that.


Go through that, and pick something out that you like...done deal, I think even the USB adapters are just fine, and those are easier and cheaper. Knock yourself out.


It's 69.99 for two of them, normally 50 for one I believe. I'm just kinda tempted by it because it has almost 100% good reviews and I also need to connect my Xbox360 to LIVE somehow.

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Search google for that answer, I dont play video game consoles enough, but I somewhat think that you might not be able to do that because you wont be able to install the software on the console for the usb adapter...google is your friend though, I bet there are some relatively inexpensive home made adapter kits out there.


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another question can you buy one of those usb adapter from that site and put it in the usb port of your xbox and connect to live?

I tried that, I think it has to be the official Xbox wireless adapter because it didn't even seem to register mine at all.

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I was in the same boat when I moved back to Orlando. Parents have a wireless network.

I bought a Linksys WUSB54G USB Wireless Adapter - got it on eBay for $15.99 and change. Set up the software, plugged it in and done.

As far as the XBox one works, the wireless adapter you must buy is one that cannot run with software, obviously because you can't install drivers onto the console. Linksys also makes a gaming adapter which is cheaper than the XBox one.

If you want, PM me and I'll give you the seller on eBay who sells them.

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I was in the same boat when I moved back to Orlando. Parents have a wireless network.

I bought a Linksys WUSB54G USB Wireless Adapter - got it on eBay for $15.99 and change. Set up the software, plugged it in and done.

As far as the XBox one works, the wireless adapter you must buy is one that cannot run with software, obviously because you can't install drivers onto the console. Linksys also makes a gaming adapter which is cheaper than the XBox one.

If you want, PM me and I'll give you the seller on eBay who sells them.

How well is the connection speed in comparison to a direct ethernet cord connection? Do you find that it runs slower? I think the product I link to in my original post would work for XBox...it looks like you just plug it into a wall outlet then connect an ethernet cord to it and the other end of the ethernet cord to Xbox,

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does anybody know if that setup would work for xbox live?. I have my modem in my garage because when the house was built there was no cable on the road so it isn't wired throughout the house. So in the garage we have a modem and wireless router, my 360 is on the other side of the house with no ethernet. if i were to plug one of these adapters in, and then run an ethernet cable from my 360 into that, would I be able to get on LIVE that way?

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I have an N router and the Linksys gateway is a G. Not experiencing much lag at all.

I've never seen the thing that you posted - and never seen it mentioned when trying to hook up an XBox. Only seen the original XBox wireless gateway and the Linksys one that's specific to gaming.

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I just bought this on ebay for 70 dollars so I hope it is what I need. I can never fully understand these product descriptions. It seems to have 5 ethernet ports which would save me the money of buying a PCI card and then still having to buy something else to connect my XBox.

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You paid for an overkill product.

This was all that you needed.


And for your XBox, you needed this:


Both on eBay combined would've been the same price as the bridge you bought.

Hmm, I don't know. Those two things together add up to about the same price new as the bridge I purchased. Factor in the shipping cost of two separate items and it would probably have ended up costing me more. I'd rather have one thing that can do what both those items are capable of doing, if that is in fact what the bridge I bought can do. I just dont know if it is.

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Is the XBox in the same room as the computer? Because if it is not, then it's not going to work. Plus installing a bridge will be more complicated.

THe guy on eBay sells both items and would've included shipping.

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Is the XBox in the same room as the computer? Because if it is not, then it's not going to work. Plus installing a bridge will be more complicated.

THe guy on eBay sells both items and would've included shipping.

They are in the same room, and I will admit I have been reading the instructions on installing a bridge and I don't know what half the crap it says means. I am starting to wish I took the path you showed me. Oh well.

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In that case, you were probably better just buying a wireless router and daisy-chain it to the existing network. All you would essentially have to do is name it and you would've been in there.

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