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Help? With presentation.

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Ok, guys I'm up for a promotion at work. I have to do a 30 minute presentation on anything I chose. I decided on our great game hockey. I hope to bring in some new fans. :)

I'm kinda struggling with some of the subject matter I should talk about. Here are some stuff I have now

Origins of the game? History

Specs on the ice surface / hows its made

equipment ie OPS vs wood skates / hollow of blades

I want to bring up that Hockey is as large an international sport as soccer. Where can I find a break down of Americans, canadian, czechs ect in the nhl?

Any other ideas would be great. I have to present this on monday.

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Do it with enthusiasm, make sure you project your voice. As this is a promotion, you should give it a good shot.

I remember having to do a presentation when I went for "effective presentation skills". I chose to do it on cars, even though I'm not a gear head... The first line you give to the audience, should set the tone for the presentation. Do it with style, do it with panache (? spelling). Make yourself different from someone else who could be up for the same promotion.

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I would suggest choosing your topic based upon your audience. If your audience lacks a specific interest or knowledge of hockey, don't choose a topic that will only appeal or interest someone that has followed the sport for many years. The audience may quickly lose interest. If they are new or unfamiliar with the sport, try introducing them to some basics or general history. Perhaps find a local angle (NHL player from the city or area, minor league team, etc.) that may help hold their interest. Thirty minutes can be a long time standing in front of people talking so it's a good idea to find something that you will have a lot of knowledge about and can expound upon. It wouldn't hurt to have some sort of small presentation items (slides, graphs, charts, even pictures or jerseys, or equipment) either to show that you are trying to go the extra mile.

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how bout something like all the countries that have a player on the cup? what they play for etc etc.. salary cap, being the lowest payed athletes in NA compared to NFL NBA and MLB...

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is this a marketing position? you may want to include the audience in your presentation, ask questions that are open ended...

Give examples that everyone can relate to... driving a car is a good example that you can relate to.

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in that case, make it interesting. As you will be training people you need to ensure that you capture their attention. Bring yourself down to the audiences' level, never talk down even if you outrank or have a greater amount of responsibility.

And for goodness sake, be confident... no 'uh, em, ah...' ... Clear and concise. The HR manager in my company, 'uhs' too many freakin times till some of us take bets on how many he would say in a session.

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Here's my take.

Since the position will be a supervisory training position, you will likely have to inspire your trainees to work hard, be ethical, etc.

There are a ton of "feel good" stories in hockey. Stories about guys who worked hard, overcame odds, and did it the right way. Telling an inspirational story would be accessible to all audience members (even those not into hockey) and it would show your motivational talents. Plus, everybody loves those underdog tales.

Anyway that's how I would roll...

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