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Curfew and Parents

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My parents really trust me, because I have always told them the truth about stuff and have never been picked up by the police and taken home. So they usually let me do what I want or go where I wanna go. I just have to let them know whats going on. Also it can't interfer with hockey, like if I would come home froma friends house a couple hours after I was supposed to be home because I had to go to practice, then I would be in trouble. But that never happens. Chris Im also 15. You should just try working on your parents, after they trust you then you can do about anything you want.

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i really don't have a curfew. My parents are pretty cool but once I went out with my gf and she got home at about 2am which isn't that late and her parents freaked out and were pissed at me and even called my parents.

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I never really had a curfew growing up. Mom and Dad had three daughters to watch out for, but they figured that as long as we came home and weren't pregnant we were free to do what we wanted.

Trust is always the factor. If you're getting slammed with a curfew or suddenly cant go places think back to where you may have broken that trust. Just remember it's their house and their rules. You'll have your chance to get even when you have kids of your own.

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You'll have your chance to get even when you have kids of your own.

I don't think it's a good idea. "Grandma and Grandpa treated me like sh!t so now it's your turn." Sounds unfair. Passing on the frustration never helped anyone.

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I'm 15 and I have a fairly strong curfew rule. Just be home at 11, and i'm not really allowed to have sleepovers. My 18 year old sister kind of ruined it for me since my parents always know whats going on.

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I had a curfew when I was really young and tried to never overstep it. As a result, I didn't have a curfew from about 14 on since I earned my parents trust.

On a side note, I fought with my dad a lot as a teenager, I guess we all do. He died when I was 22 and I would give anything to take back all of that stupid fighting that I thought was necessary back then to just get to spend a couple hours with him again. You'll find that things like parties and friends will fade over time but your family will always be a part of who you are. I can only remember one thing now that we fought about, he thought my girlfriend at the time was a stupid whore, I disagreed. He was right. :D She certainly wasn’t worth fighting over and everyday I regret that I spent the last summer of my father’s life fighting with him over a low life like her.

Parents try to do the best for their children in most cases. Children don't often see the motives behind what parents do. You may not think so now, but you will find that most times your parents make the right choices and you'll regret spending time fighting with them instead of just hanging out and enjoying spending time together.

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I dont really have a curfew. My parents don't really let me stay out unless they know every thing I'm doing. (Im 14). They wont let me go to concerts or anything unless there is a parent there. :unsure:

I'm trying to get them to let me go to a concert right now.

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i have very complicated rules

after school i have to phone home or be home by 5:00

once i get to a friends house i have to call home right away and i have to phone if im sleeping over ,once i wake up i have to phone home ,if i go anywehre i have to write a note ,tell someone or phone home if im at a friends house and if im out i have to call home or be home by the time its dark....ah its weird

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My parents trust me with pretty much anything, and there are no "rules," I just use my judgement. Obviously if im going into the city or something with my friends, or staying at a hotel etc im going to call them.

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So there caring for me by restricting my fun and not allowing me to go to the party...


I dunno how old you are. But I'm willing to bet if you have kids of your own someday, you'll probably do the same.

And there are bigger tragedies in life than missing a really good party although I do remember how maddening it can be when something seems or is unfair.

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....Also, I was only looking foir a good time, I`m mature enough to respect the art of sexual intercourse and have a strong moral that it should be done with someone whos worth your while.....not some chick at a party.

My beef with waiting is....what if I don`t live that long? I mean you never know when. Also, not to say that if I had gone to the party, died the night after that i`d be satisfied with my life, but it would have been an experience of a lifetime.

First off, no disrespect intended, but that line about maturity and sex is a total load of horse shit. No 15 year old guy is that mature. Hell, knowing my buddies, half the 19 year old guys you meet aren't that mature.

Second, concerning that last paragraph, and again, no disrespect intended...grow up! There's more to life than the next big party. If someone were to ask you twenty years from now what the best experience in your life was, chances are you wouldn't even think about some party you went to when you were 15.

Again, don't take this the wrong way man, I'm not trying to bust your balls. I just remember what life was like when I was 15 and thought my parents did stuff for no reason. Looking back, even just 4 years later, I know that all the things they did was only because they loved me. I'm sure the same could be said for your parents.

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