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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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JR Boucicaut

David Carle

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Shortly before the draft, David Carle, 18, who will enter the University of Denver on a hockey scholarship, revealed he has hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, a thickening of the heart, which has been cited as a cause of sudden death for athletes. Carle announced that his hockey playing days are over. In a symbolic gesture, new Lightning boss Oren Koules drafted Carle, younger brother of the San Jose Sharks' Matt Carle, in the seventh and final round. "The kid worked his whole life to be drafted in the NHL, and I didn't see a reason he shouldn't be," Koules said. DU and its hockey coach, George Gwozdecky are honoring Carle's scholarship.

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Glad to see that overall class and generosity is not out of reach for some owners in the NHL. Very respectable move.

Almost as uncommon is the college still honoring his scholarship. In most cases, they yank that at the first sign of any physical problem.

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Glad to see that overall class and generosity is not out of reach for some owners in the NHL. Very respectable move.

Almost as uncommon is the college still honoring his scholarship. In most cases, they yank that at the first sign of any physical problem.

Completely agree......unfortunately on both points that you made. :(

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yeah really classy.

My girlfriend's cousin had a ride to Pitt for girls bball until she blew out her knee. they yanked that scholarship right away.

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I saw this the day after draft and was really touched. I figured the new ownership group would be "kill em all and let God sort em out" and solely focus on winning at all costs. However they apparently have a heart too...

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hes too busy discussing with len barrie how theyre gonna ruin my favorite hiking spot with development.

Im not a big golfer and having to see bear mountain quickly destroy a whole load of land every time i went hiking was kinda.. uhh. i don't have a good word for it. Im not an conservationalist or anything, but I definitely didnt enjoy that.

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Classy move by Denver, especially with programs only having 18 scholarships.

It really blows my mind how the NCAA limits hockey scholarship to less than one full roster, but gives football teams enough scholarships to have 1.5x an NFL roster (80 scholarships, 53 man NFL rosters) and football coaches have the nerve to complain about it. I know there is a money issue, but giving a hockey program 25 scholarships doesn't mean they have to use them all, just give them the option.

EDIT: My argument goes for all sports: baseball, swimming, wrestling, etc. In fact, and I'm not positive on this, but I don't even think D1 basketball programs (which are the NCAA's cash cow) have 12 (full NBA roster) scholarship. For some reason I think its more like 9-10.

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I heard this on XM the day after the draft. They said he was originally ranked in the top 40 of this years draft. I can't even imagine how that would have felt, expecting to go early in the 2nd round (likely) and then finding out a day or two before at the combine (physicals) that you cannot continue your dream. Very sad story but I think that is very respectful to his family and himself. Great thing that TBL did.

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yea this is sad.. i went to school with this kid he was in my english class.. he was an amazing defensemen the whole shattuck community is in shock and is in great support of him..

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Its always nice when sports can remind society how we should treat each other...An A+ move on TBL part and UD...Hopefully this will turn out to be one of those life lesson moments for the kid, Im sure he will be an even better person than he already is for it...

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