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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Aussie Joe

Hockey in Toronto

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A good mate of mine has just landed a college scholorship in Toronto through his work. He's going to be in the city from Sept/Oct onwards and wants to know where he can play some beer league/low level comp? He claims to be staying in the central part of Toronto (whatever that means) and so far all he can find on the net is info on pro try outs. I thought I might try and help him out. He's 23 and has been playing Ice for 5 years.

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Tell your mate this, Welcome to the centre of the hockey universe!

The two big men's leagues in and around the Greater Toronto Area are ASHL and True North Hockey.

And what college is he going to? Every college in and around the city has intramural hockey leagues, so he can join there too. Great way to meet a bunch of hockey nuts like the rest of us.


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Ice Sports/ASHL have beer leagues at various levels and a number of locations in the greater Toronto area. A person can join as a single or as part of a team.

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Thanks for all that guys, if there's anymore info/leagues post them so I can let him know. He's keen as mustard to play once he gets over there as he really wants to get on the ice and maybe get some coaching if possible.

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I currently play ASHL, but I've heard the Pavillion is a nice facility and offers some mens leagues. They offer a discount in the winter for playing on Sundays - I talked to my team about moving there last year, but the Vic Park ASHL facility is more convenient for them (even though the ice at Vic Park is generally bad and the dressing rooms are tiny - you know it's high end when it's under an Oriental Buffet). Here's the link for the Pavillion league: http://www.thepavilion.ca/icerink_mensleague.html

The other thing I'd suggest your friend look into is at Intramural hockey through whatever school he's attending. I remember when I went to UWO and played intramural hockey in London, Ontario (2 hours West and South of Toronto) it was something like $70 for 14 games (of course that was over 8 years ago) for students. The games were played out of the same rink the Varsity team used so the facilities and ice quality was good. I don't know if any of the Toronto area schools have similar programs, but that was the cheapest hockey I've ever played.

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Intramurals at UofT are fully included in tuition, plus ~3h a week of open shinny. Technically there are ~$200 'team fees' but those are always covered by some student body or other. You also get unlimited access to the Mackintosh Sports Medicine Clinic for Intramural-related injuries (read: feeling sore? Go say you tweeked your back playing Ultimate, get six months of free massages, plus a prescription for orthotics your health plan covers). Don't know what Ryerson's situation is.

Hockeytoronto is a great resource, and Bruce (the guy who runs it) is brilliant. Speaking from personal experience, he always works to get two goalies at every icetime.

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Intramurals at UofT are fully included in tuition, plus ~3h a week of open shinny. Technically there are ~$200 'team fees' but those are always covered by some student body or other. You also get unlimited access to the Mackintosh Sports Medicine Clinic for Intramural-related injuries (read: feeling sore? Go say you tweeked your back playing Ultimate, get six months of free massages, plus a prescription for orthotics your health plan covers). Don't know what Ryerson's situation is.

Hockeytoronto is a great resource, and Bruce (the guy who runs it) is brilliant. Speaking from personal experience, he always works to get two goalies at every icetime.

Kinda makes me want to go to grad school. All that free hockey...

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