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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Vapor XXXX blade

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I was wondering if anyone has used a Vapor XXXX blade (for 2 piece sticks) and what they thought of it's performance/durability. Also, when the bottom of the blade begins to wear down, does it split apart like a lot of Easton blades or does it continue to wear down. (Hope this makes sense).

Thanks in advance...

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Bringin this back up for a little quiz about durability. My Dolo 2 blade just broke today. It's been going strong since some time last summer. The RBK and Easton blades I bought before the Dolo didn't last me more than a month. The local shop has a nice P92 XXXX blade I've been eyeballing, but I'm hesitant because I don't know much about the durability. Can anyone comment on these blades??

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Well it should be the same as the blade of a XXXX OPS, and if it is then I'd have to say it is pretty durable, mine has taken a beating and it's still fine but two other guys on my team have XXXX's with replacement blades, one broke because it got caught in the boards, and I don't know about the other.

EDIT: Sorry, didn't read the post above ^


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I have been using the xxxx blade for a few months now. It seems to be very durible and has out lasted my synergy blade. I love the feel of the blade and would recommend it.

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I have two Fedorov Dolo blades and two P91A XXXX blades that I alternate in my Dolo shafts. I feel like the snap and response I get from the XXXX blades complements the curve better than a Dolo blade would if that's any help. From a durability perspective, the Dolomite blade I used heaviest has begun to wear out while its comparably used XXXX is closer to its original characteristics.

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XXXX blade is really solid. has a great feel to it while maintaining a powerful strong feel for slappers.

Does anybody know if there are any solid carbon blades out there besides the ccm v08...especially any of the nbh blades?

Can't stand the bottom wearin out and having that foam weak crap kill the blade. (hasn't happened on the xxxx yet ;))

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I bought a XXXX blade yesterday to try out. I bought it in the Naslund curve. It's pretty close to the Robitaille I was coming from, just a little more open. I really like it so far though. It's got good puck feel and it's nice and stiff so shots/passes come off quick. Since it's pretty close to what I was using before, I didn't have to adjust to it at all. Saucer passes seem a little easier with the more open face. Hopefully it'll last as long as my Dolo blade did.

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