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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skate bake question

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I was wondering, could the old Nike Zooms;



Be baked / re-baked? I was young when these came out and knew nothing of baking or much about equipment besides that I like the Nike symbol :P

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I doubt it, I think those came out in the mid 90's did they not? I bought a pair of CCM 952's in 1997 and they could not be baked.

That being said anything can be baked, but I am talking "special thermoformable molding"....which was made popular around the year 2000. Just for kicks and giggles I baked a non-bakable Mission skate once and put it on, it smelled a little burned and it made the material softer for awhile....

May I ask why you want to bake it? does it not fit anymore? Do you get blisters?

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a friend has'm and might givem to me but I want to know if I can bake them because they are a .5 size too big.

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I got those when I was playing in my younger days as a quick fix when my old Vapor 8's broke down.

(a) when I got them I didn't have them baked. I'm fairly confident that there was no option to have them baked because I'm sure I would have gone for it if there was.

(B) they just fell apart after a month of intense use. I would have been better off using my busted up V8's then...

Again- I used my skate 8/9 times a week then, which I don't know if you'll be doing. If you are getting them for free, might be worth trying out. If not free... might want to think about it.

ahhhhhh the Vapor 8 fiasco.

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a friend has'm and might givem to me but I want to know if I can bake them because they are a .5 size too big.

even if he gives them to you, baking won't make them fit better if they're already too big. if anything you'd gain a bit more room.

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if they are a 1/2 size too big you might want to get them because sounds to me as per your text message lingo

( e.g. has'm & give'm ) your still young and will grow into them. Then it would be neat to have an old time skate when everbody else has the One95's and XXXX's you would be "different" and sometimes "different" is good as long as you generate good offence!!!!

If you generate good "O" and have good "D" then people will say "...man he is cool with those old Nikes...." if you don't and your game goes south then they will say, "....he has got too old of skates, he needs to upgrade to get his game back...."

P.S. I used to wear sunglasses and let my hair flow in inline warmup sessions, but I could get away with it with "O" and "D"....LOL

theyre $100 on ebay. Worth it? I want to convert them to inline

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if they are a 1/2 size too big you might want to get them because sounds to me as per your text message lingo

( e.g. has'm & give'm ) your still young and will grow into them. Then it would be neat to have an old time skate when everbody else has the One95's and XXXX's you would be "different" and sometimes "different" is good as long as you generate good offence!!!!

If you generate good "O" and have good "D" then people will say "...man he is cool with those old Nikes...." if you don't and your game goes south then they will say, "....he has got too old of skates, he needs to upgrade to get his game back...."

P.S. I used to wear sunglasses and let my hair flow in inline warmup sessions, but I could get away with it with "O" and "D"....LOL

theyre $100 on ebay. Worth it? I want to convert them to inline

I'm 19, thanks anyway.

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how can you tell that those are the low end ones? If it's by the color scheme, do you know what level the ones that are all black with a green and orange logo are?

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