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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Warrior Warranty Return

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I broke a Warrior Dolomite last Saturday and sent it into Warrior on Tuesday.

Just got the replacement back from them today, 4 day turn around.

Needless to say I'm pretty impressed by that customer service.

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Where do you live Hawkeye? I find that geography has alot to do with how quick warranty turn-around is. Bauer is less than a week for me living in New England. I'm sure someone in California would be two, maybe more.

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Thats part of the reason I go with Bauer, quick turn-around. When I've returned sticks to Easton which I believe is in kentucky, it took a little over two weeks.

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got one same day with warrior. it was all about timing. i called ahead and told them i was dropping off a stick and they took care of it same day for me.

easton's warranty dept is in salt lake city, ut

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Yea, sticks go back to Kentucky. If you work at a store, and have to send back defective equipment, that might go to salt lake.

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they must have changed the location. seeing as i haven't used easton for over 4 years i should have know better than dispute you.

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2 weeks?

pfft I waited a month and a half for easton once to send me a LH stick when I sent in a RH, then had to send that back and wait another 2 weeks to get the RH, which they sent in a grip even though asking for non

another instance was with my s17, sent in an old stealth near the beginning of may and didn't get the stick until a week and a half ago.

and i'm in NJ

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