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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Vapor XXV vs. Vector V08

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I am new to the forum and fairly new to playing hockey. I wear CCM E40'S right now.

I am looking at getting new skates. Both Skates fit me, so I was looking to see if anyone had any advice. I am 6'1" 185 lbs.

Any advice will help.


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I just purchased a pair of V08's over the XXV's due to the fact that they fit me better (the bauers felt too narrow)

really just pick the one you like best, since you wear CCM now i would point you to the V08's

i went from some CCM 692 tacks to the V08's

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Try on both skates and buy the one that fits you the best. Myself,would go for the XXV's because I love the fit and on ice feel. But that's my personal preference. Coming from the E40 you may find going to the V08 is more a more comfortable way to go. I still consider CCM to have one of the most comfortable fits on the market because of their wider toe cap space. It's your call my friend.

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i second what duch said. now my choice. i just replaced my 5000s from 10yrs ago. i'm 6'3" 230. i realy liked the the fit and how light they were. i hope i get another 10 years out of these skates. also don't narrow your choice right now most shops are trying to get rid of older stock and you may be able to find a great deal.

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It is personal preference... but the Vapor XXV are GREAT skates.

I was in a pair of Bauer Supreme Composite 5000 for about 12 years.

Tried out a pair of Graf Supra 705 about 2 years ago, didn't feel right, hurt my feet.

Then tried out a pair of Nike Bauer Supreme 50 about a year ago, too wide, and not enough lateral support.

Then finally this year i got into a pair of Vapor XXV, and they are the best skates i've ever worn.

Break in time was less then a month (After baking once).

These skates are the real deal. Performance, fit, and comfort are top quality. The new Tuuk Lightspeed 2 is also great, and didn't take much time to adjust to it coming from the old Tuuk Custom Plus holders.

But then again, skates, and all equipment is personal preference. So what works for one person, may not work for another.

And to give you an idea of my size, i'm 5'10" 145 lbs. But do strength training most days. So even for us smaller wingers the skates are good. Perfect amount of support and flexibility. Not to mention the light weight, comfort, short break in period.

Just dry them out after using them, like all equipment. I put them in front of a fan.

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Really like my XXV's as well. Just started skipping the top two eyelets though because they always seem to come untied otherwise. I really liked the lace lock feature on the Vectors and wish I could get that on the Bauers. But the XXV's were basically the only skates that fit properly so that's why I bought them, it all comes down to fit.

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Thanks for all the advice. My LHS gets them in this week so we'll see which ones I prefer. Being from MN and then moving out to Oregon the hockey shops are few and far between and it seems to take a long time to get the new stuff. :angry:

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