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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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S17 and shaft saver wrap

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As stated above. I use the shaft saver on all my OPS VERY SUCCESSFULY and have been thinking about an S17. However I'm concerned about the Ellips durability factor and was wondering if anyone has applied shaft saver to it and how well it's worked.

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Shaft saver can only help. FWIW, I fix lots of sticks and have only had to fix one senoir S-17 in the elip area, it's pretty strong down there.

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i've completed at least five SRS repairs to S17s, both clear and grip, and NONE of the breaks have been at the elliptical taper; all either cracked blades or mid-shaft breaks. i'd imagine Shaft Saver wouldn't do anything but help the shaft, but the blade's durability will still be an issue.

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