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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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tounge problem

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hmm is there any way I can change my tounge? or something to make it feel better? because my hockey skates, have hard tounges.

They are the easton 800Cs' and i don't know why it's numbing my feet after everytime i leave the ice, and it leaves lilke an red mark, can some1 give me some advices or how to change my tounge , or where to go? thank you

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Sounds like you have lace bite. To change tongues check your LHS or old skates for a nice pair of felt tongues they usual are easy on the feet. If you can't find any you can order them off of www.eastwesthockey.net. Once you've got new tongues take your skates to a shoe repair shop and they can change them out.

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Do I have to pay the shoe guy extra if my skates smell like something died in them. I have the same problem with an old set of easton z-airs. My toes go numb after like 30 min. The only problem is I used to skate barefoot in them and they definitely have a distinct odor about them. How could I go about getting rid of the odor first?

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I'm sure he'll get over it, but dry the skates out well and maybe give them a good going over with Febreeze or something similar. I'd assume the footbeds harbour a fair bit of the whiffy stuff aswell maybe think about taking them out before hand.

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if i know hockey smell ... fabreeze will not handle this.. the show repair man, if he does not die of the stench.. will not mind atall, it is his job to deal with stinkie ass peoples feet. if he complains.. smack him one.

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