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Laptop Question

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I'm going to school next year for Graphic Design, and I'm looking at an Apple to get to suit my needs for what I'll be doing. I'm looking right now at the MacBook, MacBook Pro, and MacBook Air. For what I'm going to be doing in school, using PhotoShop, InDesign, Illustrator, etc etc, which notebook would best suit my needs? I would assume the MacBook Pro as it seems to be the favorite Apple notebook across the board, but any suggestions? Advantages/disadvantages to each?

Thanks in advance fellas

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I don't know much about Macs. My brother is a photographer and uses a Mac with Adobe CS3. As far as a notebook he uses a Mac book pro. The Mac book air doesn't have a optical drive. It is capable of using anothers computers CD/DVD drive though.

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I'd say in your case go with the MacBook pro. It sounds to me like you'll really enjoy and use the additional performance benefits of the Pro over the regular Macbook. The Macbook Air, although it's sweet, is very different from the Macbook Pro. I think that the Air is really only a good idea for people who travel a LOT (like, for a living) because the smaller size and portability are what make it really special. The macbook pro was designed in a way that places more value on performance than portability (the Air is the other way around). So even though it will weigh more and be more of a pain to carry around, the Pro will really suit your needs better IMO.

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I used to own a macbook pro.. and it is what you want. my mother was into the same type stuff as you are lookin at doing.. it is what she did and it is perfect.

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You don't want the air. Get the pro in 15". I'm sure you also don't want to carry a 17" around to all your classes.

Best of luck in school. Remember your educational discount and also you may get a free iPod.

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I gotta agree with everyone else on the air. I've heard various arguments about the practicality of it and aside from the initial and obvious design wow factor, it really ends up being little more than an $1800 "douche bag" name tag.

As just about everyone else has stated, the MBP is your best bet given your focus and the type of software you'll be using. As lotus stated above, shoot for the 15''... less is more in this case and you'll notice when you're lugging it around school and taking up the majority of space on a school desk. Just because its a laptop doesn't mean it needs to fill up your entire lap. Yeah in case some haven't noticed, I have a thing against larger laptops; there is rarely a need for something that size especially when it will cost you $300 more. And if you think I'm being petty bitching about a 17'' while endorsing a 15'', trust me there is quite a difference beyond what 2'' would lead you to believe.

I stress this for every person considering a mac, DO NOT buy memory upgrades from apple when building or buying your mac. $200 extra for 4gb is ridiculous. There are plenty of other compatible and reputable options from other sources that can cost less than half of what Apple charges.

I think for most schools there is also a modest discount in addition to the ipod touch promotion. Good luck, and have fun with it.

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With what you're looking to do, I'd go with the Pro models. They've got the power in the CPU and GPU, and they're great for all different kinds of applications that the non Pro version and the Air can't handle. I believe the Air is more or less just a nice product to have if you've got too much money.

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Sounds like the MBP is the best bet for me to go with. The iPod Touch deal is just a nice thing to go along because I can give it to my sister since I already have a Touch. And with my student discount I can save a lot on the programs I need, etc etc etc. Thanks a lot guys, looks like I'll be looking into a MBP

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I'm thinking about getting a Netbook...


I'm thinking for things like train/plane trips...I can load a couple movies on it...and it's like a portable DVD, but would also have Internet access once i get where I'm going, that is a little better/easier to use than my iPod Touch.

Anyone have any experience with these?

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