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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Returned Easton Stealth skates

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I am returning my s15's for a warranty replacement, like so many others have.

My question is wht do they do with those returns? Do they sell them? Refurbish them?

I am looking for a back-up pair, and dont mind getting a returned skate cheap as it will be used only in case of a problem with my good pair.

Does anyone know what they do with them, or who to contact?


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They aren't resold.

How do you think they figure out what is wrong with product?

Figuring out what is wrong with the product is probably done with the first batch of returns, or possible with several batches. Yet the second generations are already out, and have been for a while I think, and they addressed the problem, at least the problems I am having with the first generations.. Finding out the problem and reselling the used skates arent mutually exclusive. I was asking not only if Easton sold them to the public, but also if they sold the usable returns to a third party, from which the public can purchase them (ie Play It Again). I only want a back up skate, and thought they might sell returns that are still wearable as used without warranty. It was a fair question.

I wish I could just find a used pair in my size for a back-up already. Is that too much to ask? LOL.

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Again, certain things can happen to a single batch, or a single skate within a batch. I wasn't dogging your question. But like I said earlier, they aren't resold.

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JR, Thanks for the info.

I have another question.

If I can get a brand new, in box, never sharpened pair of stealths on Ebay, but 1/2 size too big, what are the general policies of LHS's and/or Easton (if there are any that you know of) on swapping them for a pair in my size?

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Easton won't deal directly with consumers on something like that. As for swapping them out at a local hockey store, why would a store do that for you if you don't give them your business? It's a slap in the face. Of course you could always lie and tell them they were a present and don't have the reciept.

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Easton won't deal directly with consumers on something like that. As for swapping them out at a local hockey store, why would a store do that for you if you don't give them your business? It's a slap in the face. Of course you could always lie and tell them they were a present and don't have the reciept.

Thanks for the info about Easton. I agree about the LHS too....I do buy my equipment there (like my s15's), and the captain and goalie of my mens league team work there. I might be able to get them to swap the pair with Easton if I make it worth their while ;)

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Gotta admit though, I did do it for someone last year.

I know that he didn't buy the SyNergys elsewhere (as he's an Easton endorser) but used to buy other stuff from me. Did it through the Pro Serv dept though.

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And this is why I DON'T miss retail.

No kidding.

Dealing with BS like that would cause one to explode.

What BS? I know the guy personally, and bought my other pair of s15's there, as well as a lot of other equipment. If he can swap them with Easton for another size, why not?

No cost to him (and if there was, I would pay it), and I would throw in lunch and a 12 pack of beer. Fail to see the BS.

And if helping out a friend like that would cause you to explode, I would think that you might want to examine some anger issues.

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Actually, are you going to cover the 15% restocking fee that they have to pay Easton for returning the skates?

It adds up...and just might be enough to set you back to the same price as the eBay ones.

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Actually, are you going to cover the 15% restocking fee that they have to pay Easton for returning the skates?

It adds up...and just might be enough to set you back to the same price as the eBay ones.

I will ask the LHS guy what it will cost and then run the numbers.

If I can get a $389.99 skate for $150 shipped, even after the fee it will be a good deal.

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Ok, here's the other problem...

Buying that skate from eBay means that it is not bought from an AUTHORIZED Easton dealer. Anything that happens to the skate (and obv you know there's been problems) means that you are SOL - and I know you're thinking, "Well, I'm exchanging them with my friend, no problem, he can make me a receipt."

Now, that's fraud, and you're jeopardizing your friend's employment.

I just see so many wrongs happening here.

Like I said, I did it for Lidstrom, but he had gotten the skates from the pro dept and I knew that I could contact my contact there, tell him what happened and exchange it straight up, without having to do anything store-wise.

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I absolutely understand that. I really dont want to jeopardize anyones job, and that is why I would go directly to the store manager for the request.

In fact, I wont buy them unless I can do the exchange and not get anyone in trouble.

However, I have been thinking. I have the s15's is 8.5R, and my right foot (which is a little bigger than my left) touches the toecap even when I am standing up. I wonder if these s-11's in a 9R wont be just fine as is. They would fit my right foot great, but be a bit big for my left foot.

Your opinion please, and I wont hold you to it. I am looking for just a backup pair for my new, warranty exchanged s15's. I cant find a used pair of s15's to save my life, so I started to look for s-11's as well, as I heard they were the same fit. I would prefer used in 8.5, but I wonder if the 9's wouldnt suffice? What do you think? I would gladly get s7's or s3's, but I hear that they size differenttly, and no one stocks them anywhere I know of.

Input JR? MUCH appreciated.

You know, for all the help, information, and advice I get from you and this site, I think you deserve Taco Bell lunch on me. Let me know how you would like me to do that for you, and it will be done.

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Name dropper... :P

Hey, it related to the story.

And I told him that I wouldn't do it unless I got the OK from Easton first, and he understood.

Forgive me for being stupid, and jacking this thread...but Lidstrom obviously has his own contacts at Easton when he needs stuff...why did he go through a retail outlet at all? Couldn't a pro deal directly with the Manufacturer on any issue they may have.

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