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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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The Nike Catalog

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The three glove models




Bauer Supreme pants with a tackle twill swoosh sewn on the left thigh.


Cross marketing ventures



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the gloves are similar to their older fashion gloves.. i really like that idea.

Ya think?????

...I think DS might want to put up a year of the catalog for our younger viewers...

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The gloves had a great look, no doubt. However, they had no flex in the fingers and were a bit heavy. The packaging was the best part. The gloves were in a Nike style shoe box!

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I still think those gloves look awesome.

Couldn't agree more. It'd be sweet if they updated them with new materials/better flexing fingers and did a retro line. :D

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The thumbs used to fall apart. The stitching quality was just terrible on those gloves. To me, they actually felt a lot like the koho gloves from that general era with the big vertical KOHO that mario and jagr wore.

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