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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Stick Racks

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Im looking to either purchase or build a stick rack...did a google search and couldnt really find what I was looking for...Anyone know or point me in the right direction where I can find one?...Thanks

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Ask at your LHS- most will have at least a few kicking around in back. They will more than likley be happy to sell/give you one.

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I have a set of free-standing shelves that I bought at Lowe's. The shelves can be adjusted by height, and I just have a couple of the shelves that i use for sticks, with the rest going for other pads. Then just lie the sticks across with the blades hanging off. It's not pretty, but it's cheap and effective.

Also, if you could find an LHS thats going out of business that would be ideal.

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You could always build your own. If your local hockey store builds theirs, just go in, take a look at how they did it. If you have enough old sticks around you could probably build some of it out of sticks. I've seen that done and looks sweet.

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I too am trying to find a solution. Nails in the wall would be the least favorable option for me however. I also have limited space bedroom space with which to work.

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Are you looking for something where the sticks will stand upright? How do you want them to be stored?

Yes Im looking for them to stand upright....I think I am just going to come up and build something on my own with scrape would I have, least expensive....

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It shouldn't be difficult, and will be the cheaper way to go for sure. Still might be worth checking your LHS, at mine they're always getting new ones with the new graphics in and idk what they do with the old ones.

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you could buy a cheap coat rack or pot rack that has the small rods that stick out (normally for hanging coats/pots) and then simply mount that whole piece on the wall at a height near the top of your shafts.. then lean 'em against the wall in between the rods that stick out.. pretty much like what you have outside locker rooms and etc. pretty bare bones but probably the most basic solution..?

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