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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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My rink owner is a scumbag

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OK, here's what's up. In March, me and a couple of my friends signed up for a league at one of the rinks here in town. Because the hockey director is pretty much a tool and didn't promote the league at all, there ended up not being enough people to actually play (even though he assured us that he had 50 people committed). About 3 weeks into what was going to be the season, he told me that it was canceled and since the rink was owned by "a real-estate company", I would have to wait for a check to get cut on the 15th (OF JUNE!!) and I'd get in in the mail. I find out since then that he's quit working at the rink and skipped town. When I talked to the guy that actually owns the rink, he said he'd do all of our refunds straight back onto our credit cards.

That was 2 weeks ago.

I've sent him about 2 emails a day every day since then and he always replies with "we're really busy right now, I'll do it today" but it never gets done. Seems like if he had time to send me an email, he had time to punch my CC# number in and hit the "refund" button. It's not just me, either. I know at least one other guy that he's giving the same run-around to.

It's not a huge amount of money, just enough to be a pain in my ass. I seriously never want to go back to this rink again and that sucks, considering it used to be my favorite one.

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I had to do a charge back recently and my credit card company (Discover) returned my money next day even before completing the investigation. I found this to be a lot more effective then dealing with some company's directly after you request them to do it.

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I had to do a charge back recently and my credit card company (Discover) returned my money next day even before completing the investigation. I found this to be a lot more effective then dealing with some company's directly after you request them to do it.

Yeah, but when you do a chargeback against a merchant, they take a hit on their merchant service agreement, and until recently I cared about that....

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Depends on the amount, if its worth it.

Seriously but just never goto the rink again. That sort of crap just isn't worth dealing with. I would rather skate on crap ice/floor with a sharp person running the scenes then an awesome rink run by pricks.

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You could file a Small Claims Complaint.

Which is way easier than letting the CC company deal with it and getting your money back in a couple of days max?

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It hasn't been long enough for a chargeback yet. I have to wait 90 days from the original payment and I still have a couple of weeks to go. We'll see...

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