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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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S-15's and One90's

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I have a pair of S-15's I picked up at an AHL equipment sale and a pair of One 90's that I bought new. Going to the One-90's after months on the S-15's took some getting used to since they were different profiles as well as different boots (although both fit great). I had the S-15's profiled to match the One-90's (11 foot radius with 1/2" hollow going from a 9' and 3/8") in the hopes I could switch between pairs to save the One 90's a bit. But the S-15's seem to slide sideways a ton and I lose the edge making it almost impossible to skate properly. I understand I am talking about two different boots with different fits etc but I didn't think it would be that dramatic a difference. Any thoughts on why or how I can adjust the S-15's given the boot difference, stiffness difference and holder difference (LS2) so that they are at least close to my One 90's? Different ROH or profile etc. I have read about people on this board who own both skates and wonder how they manage. It's like I have to consciously skate completely differently with the S-15's.

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I had s15's, and went to the 1500's assuming they would be very similar. Even the two Eastons were very different, and I had a very hard time skating with the s15's. Same holder, same radius, and I think the same pitch, etc. Yet I found myself feeling very off balance and akward. I can only imagine the difference between the s15 and an entirely different brand might be even worse. Ditched the 1500's and went back to the s15's, and they felt amazing. If the s15's are 8.5R I will gladly take them off your hands!

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Not knowing too much about blade profiling I was told by my LHS to make the One90's more forward pitch to match the S-15's so I had an "11' forward" radius which is what my LHS called it. I'm assuming there is a number to the pitch I should get. I also took the lifts out of the S-15's. Maybe I could try putting the lifts into the One 90's and get used to that but it seems self defeating since they are my main skate and I feel totally comfortable in them. I would rather dick around with the Eastons to get them to be close to the One 90's. It's just that my feet slide outwards really easily in the Eastons like I have no grip. I was wondering if it might also have to do with a boot stiffness issue which prevents my ankle from flexing side to side properly and getting an edge with the blade.....but the One 90's are supposed to be the stiffer boot not the other way around. Hence my confusion as to what mechanics and variables are at play.

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If the one90's are the boot you like the best, why go with the s15's at all? Cant you get another pair of one90's? I see them all the time on ebay pretty cheap. Then you dont have the headache of trying to fit a round peg in a square hole. I dont know that much about skates, but it seems reasonable that you arent going to get the s15's to feel like the one90's no matter what you do to the radius, pitch, etc. They are just two very different skates in ways you cant change. Like I said, I felt big differences between the s15 and the 1500, I can only imagine the difference between different brands.

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If the one90's are the boot you like the best, why go with the s15's at all? Cant you get another pair of one90's? I see them all the time on ebay pretty cheap. Then you dont have the headache of trying to fit a round peg in a square hole. I dont know that much about skates, but it seems reasonable that you arent going to get the s15's to feel like the one90's no matter what you do to the radius, pitch, etc. They are just two very different skates in ways you cant change. Like I said, I felt big differences between the s15 and the 1500, I can only imagine the difference between different brands.

I'd agree with eric

I went 1500C->XXXX->S15

even though I put superfeets into XXXX (to match internal boot pitch of 1500C that had shock doctors), and also got them profiled to a forward radius I could never feel the same

transition from 1500C to S15 was less dramatic - but more then noticable.

also RBII & LS2 feel different - TUUK is stiffer, so I ended up puttng LS2 on S15 - and that was a happy medium for me.

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Both have LS holders but the One 90's are the 2.1 or whatever-the longer ones. I just want to figure out what is causing my feet to slide sideways so readily. I like the Easton's-they're light and comfy. I really don't have the cash to buy a second pair of One 90's. I'm lucky to have the first pair and the S-1's ( which I got for $60!!) would be a nice back up. Unfortunately, four kids and a mortgage precludes me from buying gear like some members. I will have to live vicariously through their wallets :)

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Both have LS holders but the One 90's are the 2.1 or whatever-the longer ones. I just want to figure out what is causing my feet to slide sideways so readily. I like the Easton's-they're light and comfy. I really don't have the cash to buy a second pair of One 90's. I'm lucky to have the first pair and the S-1's ( which I got for $60!!) would be a nice back up. Unfortunately, four kids and a mortgage precludes me from buying gear like some members. I will have to live vicariously through their wallets :)

Take the lift out of the stealths, I had to do that when coming from one90's.

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I had s15's, and went to the 1500's assuming they would be very similar. Even the two Eastons were very different, and I had a very hard time skating with the s15's. Same holder, same radius, and I think the same pitch, etc. Yet I found myself feeling very off balance and akward. I can only imagine the difference between the s15 and an entirely different brand might be even worse. Ditched the 1500's and went back to the s15's, and they felt amazing. If the s15's are 8.5R I will gladly take them off your hands!

did you have problems breaking your skates in.

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The Easton's don't lock my feet as snugly as the One90 but it is still what I thought was a good fit. I could skate fine in them prior to getting used to the NBH's. What I may do is get the Easton's sharpened with a deeper hollow and see if it is perhaps a difference is sideways mobility that is the culprit.

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