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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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NYR sign Weekes

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question of 2004-2005: How many goalies does NYR need to win the stanley cup?



At least one more because none of the ones they have are going to win it.

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blackburn didn't really endear himself to the players in '02 when he became the #1 after Richter went down...be interesting to see how he's treated ...

best thing for most of the NYR squad would be a lockout..85% of their team could be sent to Hartford...and game ready when/if the season actually started..you'd have some veterans to incorporate..but the core would be from Hartford..man i really hate agreeing with Larry Brooks...

be interesting to see what happens with Montoya...he can still be signed right..didn't that happen with Roenick way back in the day..he went to Northeastern but left in the first few days..

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blackburn didn't really endear himself to the players in '02 when he became the #1 after Richter went down...be interesting to see how he's treated ...

Are there any other players left from '02?

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I had watch all the NYR game last year(I saw them on Bell Express Vue)Dunham was fantastic during all the game he played, but Sather was always putting Markannen in the net. Dunham never play 3 game in a row last year,just 2 max.

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