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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Just about done stocking my homebrew presses again

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Finally have beers near ready for drinking, still have a batch of mild ale to bottle. Here's my stash so far. Excuse the dodgy shelves, they were like that when we moved, and it's only for holding beer.






The last few after bottling again today..






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Sorry, I'm going to have to turn you in to the ATF for CLEARLY brewing more than the annual amount allowed for home brewers! What you say, that's just a week supply. :P Sorry, you are going to have to give some of that up, consider it a tax. ;) The hefiwiezen first!

I was a home brewer, both beer and wine, back when I had time and a life. Great hobby, addicting and not just the sampling.

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Sorry, I'm going to have to turn you in to the ATF for CLEARLY brewing more than the annual amount allowed for home brewers! What you say, that's just a week supply. :P Sorry, you are going to have to give some of that up, consider it a tax. ;) The hefiwiezen first!

I was a home brewer, both beer and wine, back when I had time and a life. Great hobby, addicting and not just the sampling.

Definately addicting. I bottled up the pale ale, and nut brown ale, which frees up 2 fermenters, I'm making a hefeweizen and a porter next weekend, and bottling up the mild tomorrow.

I got pretty good scores in a competition last month, nice to get objective feedback, rather than friends just saying they like it (so I don't just get their biased feedback)

But yeah, addictive for sure

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Nice, keep up the good work. We got a brewing place here in town that you go down to and make your brew in their facility. Kind of like they do in Canada to avoid the big taxes on alcohol. Homebrewing is Pretty cool and growing fast. I just scored a big 55 gal plastic drum from them to put my closeout OPS in. (barrell of fun) Anyway, when I was cleaning it the smell of the hops were making me feel good. Man, homemade beer is awesome. So fresh, so rich. I can never drink a Coors light again.

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...only for holding beer.

Is your hockey bag "only for holding skates"? Show some respect, and do something about those shelves man *L*

Nice stash btw...

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Must be quite rewarding to be able to crack a beer that you made from scratch after a long day at work. Very jealous.

Yeah, it's a pretty good feeling. The real bonus is when you get home and decide then you want a couple of brews at night, I don't need to go back out, I just go to the above pictured press and throw some in the fridge. Much easier than going to the store, saves on gas too

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