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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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skate bake machine

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just got my new mission 95 xp's and wanted to know if there is any difference between baking them in your own oven or having them baked on the skate bake machine. and if using the oven is the same do i use the same instructions such as time in the oven

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ya i do i have a convection, im trying to save money though because i spent all my money getting the skates online.

how much money did you save. Is it equal to the bake and the first sharpening?

Is it also equal to the amount you might have to spend on a new pair of skates after messing up the new ones and voiding the warrantee?

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Just fire that shit up and toss em in, what's the worst that could happen. In all seriousness take them to your LHS and don't be such a cheepo. You might as well have it done right. Tossing your new $500+ skates in with a pot roast might not be the smartest idea.

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Just fire that shit up and toss em in, what's the worst that could happen. In all seriousness take them to your LHS and don't be such a cheepo. You might as well have it done right. Tossing your new $500+ skates in with a pot roast might not be the smartest idea.

I actually prefer to throw mine in with a batch of chocolate chip cookies. They come out smelling mutch better (can't necessarity say the same for the cookies though). In all seriousness, man up and do it right. Surely if you can fork over $300+ for skates, what's another $25 for the comfort of not screwing it up.

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i guess you all have a point. but truthfully my skates were only $100. not saying that it means i can just wreck them, but were are you guys getting these prices from like $500. Im also not trying to be cheap, iwould much rather get them baked at the shop, but its the fact that i dont have any money what so ever. im only 15 with no job or allowance all my money was spent on these. but ill try to get my parents to pay i guess. thanks

BTW, i got the idea from this.http://www.hockeyx.com/hockey/dept.asp?s_id=0&dept_id=118

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i guess you all have a point. but truthfully my skates were only $100. not saying that it means i can just wreck them, but were are you guys getting these prices from like $500. Im also not trying to be cheap, iwould much rather get them baked at the shop, but its the fact that i dont have any money what so ever. im only 15 with no job or allowance all my money was spent on these. but ill try to get my parents to pay i guess. thanks

BTW, i got the idea from this.http://www.hockeyx.com/hockey/dept.asp?s_id=0&dept_id=118

Wash the car, mow the lawn and do the dishes ... then politely ask dad to foot the baking bill. With no money, if something bad were to happen from a home bake, you may end up with no skates this year and that would really hurt.

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i guess you all have a point. but truthfully my skates were only $100. not saying that it means i can just wreck them, but were are you guys getting these prices from like $500. Im also not trying to be cheap, iwould much rather get them baked at the shop, but its the fact that i dont have any money what so ever. im only 15 with no job or allowance all my money was spent on these. but ill try to get my parents to pay i guess. thanks

BTW, i got the idea from this.http://www.hockeyx.com/hockey/dept.asp?s_id=0&dept_id=118

Honestly with $100 skates baking them would be useless imo. What baking does is speed up the break-in process. I'm not sure what skates you got but if they're $100 then break-in time would be minimal to non-existent.

Unless you bought a pair of old bauer 7000s or so.

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