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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Wood Plug in One90 One-Piece

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Hey guys..

I recently bought a one90 stick online that was cut down(I was unaware) and I put in a wood plug that is about 1.25" long at most. How much will this affect the specs of the stick? I plan to buy a composite supreme plug when it is available at my LHS.

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The wood plug is a good idea as the one90 does lend itself to giving puck-shock sometimes. I'm considering cutting down one of mine to put in a wood extension to address that specific issue.

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thanks alot..the guy at my LHS was being a stiff telling me to wait until they got the composite plug in and not to use it.

He's trying to get your money. Those composite plugs are how much, $15? Unless you're really anal about the exact spot the balance point is, or worried to death about saving 3-5 grams of weight those carbon plugs are a ripoff.

Wood in the end gives better feel and balance a lot of the time, as well. I had a wood plug in my XXXX and swapped for a carbon one the LHS had in the bin they keep of spare plugs they pull, I liked the wood better (didn't make me like the stick, but wood felt better).

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Who's charging $15 for the composite plugs? We give the damn things away.

Anyway, If you got your stick from a dealer online and it was cut, you got ripped off and should return it. if you bought it on ebay, you get what you paid for. IMO, ebay is so shady it's unbelievable. Recently a customer scored what he thought was a sweet pair of graf skates for cheap on ebay. Bottom line, holder mounted crooked, bent blade. Duh, that's why they were on ebay.

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