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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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The Hockey Way of Life in Wasilla

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Ok, how do I say this? Track was an out-of-control hockey player on ice and Bristol has no problem saying yes instead of no. Well, Levi is a hockey player so we know where he is coming from with Bristol. I wonder where their wedding registry is, Cabela's?

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I was Levi's High School and Midget coach this past season, and I have had Track on the ice on numerous occasions.

living and working in Wasilla over the past ten days has been like being in a circus.

This was an interesting read. Certainly better than some of the other stuff that is floating around.

Both of these kids were exceptional hockey players and will both be faced with some tuff adult challenges in the months ahead.

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