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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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injury question

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At pick up this morning I took a wrist shot - nothing special but when I follwed thru the shot I felt a sharp pain, almost like a cramp on my left side (I'm a righty shot) - Has anyone experienced this ? Does it sound like an oblique strain ?

Area continues to be sore if I turn to that side.

Any info would be appreciated.


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You said it was a morning skate...? Did you stretch out well enough before the game, or was it one of those roll out of bed right to the rink type deals...? Do you play regularly in the morning? All of those things could lead to a muscles pull/strain.

But, as previously stated...if it doesn't feel better, see a Doc.

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Go see a doctor. I am sitting out an entire year of hockey because of a wrist problem that I was unaware about. It has actually made me change my occupation as well. A simple pain in your wrist can be alot more than what it seems.

I didnt go see a doctor for about six months because I thought it was just something I could walk off, but the pain got worse and had I gone in to the doc in the first place I wouldnt be sitting on the bench this year.

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