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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skates that are tight around the ankle?

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so im getting new skates soon, and i love the pump on my 1st gen 9k skates, however im not as big of fan of the new low cut 9ks, and they feel alot stiffer compared to what im wearing right now.

the problem: Im worried that by getting new skates i wont have the thightness around the ankles that i have right now and I wont be skating as well as i am right now.

so im looking at any top end skate that is tight in the ankle area.. its either that or custom grafs, but i dont even think that graf switzerland could solve this problem :confused:

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why not just get another pair of the rbks you currently wear?

because they are out of the stock size i need, and they arent going to re order old model RBK's...

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if they dont have what you need (assuming no other skates fit as well as your old 9k's) then there is no shame in ordering online, i believe i've seen them for about $350 on ebay $450 from an online shop...

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if you like ankle wrap, especially high cut like your old rbks, i'd recommend against the grafs. I used to think I like the low cut design but ever since I bought my one75s, I've never looked back. perhaps you should give the supreme line a try?

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The one95's seem to have a very tight ankle wrap. My friend has them with sherwood traditional shins and they look like tooth picks. :D

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